The American Homebrewers Association has resources and tools to help support businesses in the homebrewing industry.
Use the resources below to further engage with your customers and the greater homebrewing and beer enthusiast community!

Free Listing in our Shop Directory
The AHA Homebrew Supply Shop Directory is where thousands of homebrewers turn to discover a source for their beer ingredients and equipment.
Get listed for free by filling out a simple form. If you have any questions about the directory or need to update an existing shop profile, please contact us.

Join AHA Member Deals
AHA Member Deals are 1,800+ and special offers at homebrew shops, breweries, and taprooms across the country. Participating businesses can choose the offering. Common homebrew shop deals include store discounts and free yeast packs. Common brewery deals include $1 off pints and free beer with appetizer.
For questions about member deals, please contact us.

Generate Revenue through Membership Referrals
Businesses participating in the AHA Referral Program are given a custom code. This code is unique to your business and allows us to track how many memberships you generate. For every membership you generate, your business receives money back from the AHA! Payouts are $5/referred membership.

Get the AHA Bi-Weekly Newsletter
Want the scoop? Sign up for the AHA digital newsletter and get regular dispatches from AHA world headquarters in Boulder, Colo. These communications feature recipes, homebrewing tips, how-tos, Zymurgy magazine features, event news, and more!
Additional Resources

Julia Herz, AHA Executive Director
“Since 1978 the American Homebrewers Association has been dedicated to protecting and connecting the community of homebrewers. Today we deliver reasons and rewards for brewing, empower an equitable homebrewing culture and showcase the fun of the hobby with the goal of growing the hobby and our membership. We hope the AHA is a daily part of the resources you, your staff, and your customers depend on.”
Contact Julia Herz
Julia is available to speak and present. Please use the Speaking Engagement Request form.
Share Content with Homebrewers
The American Homebrewers Association accepts pitches and drafts for articles, recipes, images, and other content types to be featured in Zymurgy Magazine and on
Join Our Annual Events
Stickers & Pamphlets
The following items are available to give away and sell in your business, at events, or for your employees.

Our “Go Brew Yourself!” pamphlet is a resource to give away to prospective homebrewers an idea of the process and requirements to make beer at home.

Spread the homebrew love with the “Support Your Local Homebrew Shop” bumper sticker!

Show your support for your local watering holes with the “Support Your Local Brewery” bumper sticker.
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