Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about Zinc

  • Speaker: Kara Taylor
  • Track: Technical
  • Homebrew Con 2022
  • Pittsburgh

Zinc is the one mineral you’ve been constantly told is important in fermentation, but why? Zinc is one of the trace minerals necessary during a healthy fermentation, but it’s also one of the few minerals that’s in low supply in an all barley fermentation. How does zinc exactly contribute to the fermentation process? New experiments have helped gather knowledge regarding adding zinc on the hot side versus cold side. The homebrew market contains many different zinc nutrients, so how do you choose what type, how much to add, and when to add it? This session  explores the best methods to add zinc through several experiments that have shown the best results.

Learning Objectives

  • Learn what zinc contributes to fermentation
  • Understand how zinc changes in the hot side versus cold side
  • Hear best practices for adding zinc to fermentations

About the Speaker

Kara Taylor has been with White Labs since 2009. She became interested in fermentation science while homebrewing during her days at Loyola Marymount University. She received a B.S. in biology in 2009 and began employment at White Labs in San Diego as a yeast laboratory technician. Since June 2021, she functions as the Head of Operations. She enjoys traveling the world judging beer and educating brewers about fermentation.

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