Homebrew Cheesemaking for the Beer Lover

  • Speaker: Mark Carlson
  • Track: Other/Misc.
  • Homebrew Con 2018
  • Portland, OR
Part 2:

Are you a creative type who likes to brew something different every time? Do you enjoy experimenting with unique aromas and flavors? In this session, you’ll learn to apply what you already know about homebrewing to the world of homebrew cheesemaking. Come discover techniques and microorganisms, find out how to use beer in cheesemaking, and learn how to combine beer and cheese in cooking.

About the Speaker

Mark Carlson is a certified BJCP judge with a long history of amateur zymology. He uses local cultures from his home on the Front Range of Colorado to ferment beer, wine, mead, cider, and sake. He also employs them in making kimchi, sauerkraut, miso, and cheese. Mark is also a longtime beekeeper where he utilizes the bees to gather microorganisms from the surrounding area. Mark also works in the computer storage industry as a software architect.