November/December 2024

The November/December 2024 Zymurgy explores adaptive brewing, ancient beer traditions, smoked beer techniques, Bavarian beer hikes, and hop-free Dutch kuit beer, blending modern innovation with rich brewing history for homebrewers of all backgrounds and interests.

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Cover Story

homebrewers around a kettle

Adaptive Brewing in the Modern World

By Ryan Pachmayer

Homebrewers with disabilities often need to rethink how they approach a brew day. From cleaning out the mash tun when you’re in a wheelchair to taking a gravity reading with […]

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decorative beer vessel

Zymurgy: November/December 2024

Endangered Flavors: Preserving Sub-Saharan Brewing Traditions

Indigenous African beers have been brewed for thousands of years. Spontaneously fermented from corn and malted sorghum, umqombothi is still made throughout southern Africa, but fewer women are preserving its secrets.

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brown beer in a snifter glass

Zymurgy: November/December 2024

Making Friends with Smoked Beer

Rauchbier is arguably the most famous of the smoked beer styles, but small-batch brewer Dan Jablow demonstrates how to apply a smoky flavor and aroma to many other beers in […]

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mountain scene in Bavaria

Zymurgy: November/December 2024

Beer Hiking In Bavaria (Part 2)

Bavarian beer hiking is the quintessential “slow food” adventure. Seasoned beer traveler Franz D. Hofer continues his quest for unparalleled sights, views, fine cusine, and outstanding beer as he journeys […]

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pale gold beer in glass

Zymurgy: November/December 2024

Brewing Kuit: Looking Beyond Hops

Kuit is an ancient, traditional Dutch beer style that predates the use of hops. Dr. Kristen Boucher explores the history of this forgotten wheat, oat, and barley beer, incorporating a […]

Recipes in this Issue

  • Maltose Falcons Anniversary IPA
  • Basic Best Bitter
  • Homebrewer’s Granola
  • Overnight Sensation Cream Ale
  • 4th Quarter Porter
  • Umqombothi
  • Let There Be Rauch!
  • Hans and Franz Festbier
  • Kuit

Meet the Editor-in-Chief

Dave Carpenter

Dave brewed his first batch in 2009 and started writing about beer soon thereafter. In addition to geeking out on beer and language, Dave enjoys hiking, traveling, and other gerunds as well. Email Dave