July/August 2004

July/August 2004

Check out the featured stories, such as American Classics, Best Commercial Beer Survey Results, 2003 Year in Review, Here Come Da Judge, and Commercial Calibration.

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About Zymurgy

Cover Story

American Classics

By Dave Hamilton and Jim Parker

The United States may be a relative newbie in world of brewing, with less than 400 years of brewing history under our belts. But American brewers have put their mark on the world’s brewing landscape. In honor of American Beer Month, we take a look at four American beers–Anchor Steam, Sierra Nevada Pale Ale, Pete’s Wicked Ale and Widmer Hefeweizen–that define new American styles.

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Zymurgy: July/August 2004

Best Commercial Beer Survey Results

Back in Jauary, we asked you for the second year to name your favorite commercial beers available in the U.S. market. We received 757 votes for 399 different beers from 102 different breweries, then tabulated the results. There were plenty of repeats, but a new order of favorites.

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Zymurgy: July/August 2004

2003 Year In Review

Who are the biggest craft brewers in the land? Our Association of Brewers stats list production totals for the top specialty brewing companies, regional breweries, microbreweries, and brewpubs.

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Zymurgy: July/August 2004

Here Come Da Judge

There’s more to beer judging than drinking free beer. It takes a lot of hard work to properly evaluate beer, but the rewards are many. With proper preparation and plenty of practice, you can become an experienced beer evaluator.

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Zymurgy: July/August 2004

Commercial Calibration

Beer judges often calibrate their palates by tasting a commercial example of the beer style they are judging. We have assembled a panel of four of the top judges from the Beer Judge Certification Program and asked them to judge two American classic beers. We invite you to get your own samples of Anchor Steam and Sierra Nevada Pale Ale and judge along with them.

Recipes in this Issue

  • Coopers Dunkelweizen
  • Sierra Nevada Pale Ale clone
  • Anchor Steam clone
  • Pete’s Wicked Ale clone
  • Widmer Hefeweizen clone
  • Sierra Nevada Bigfoot clone
  • Three Floyds Alpha King clone
  • Woksmuggler Pale Ale
  • Jabberwocky Maibock
  • Brothers Brown
  • Cider
  • Hefe Baby
  • AM Ale
  • Coco Pop
  • Rainy Day IPA

Meet the Editor-in-Chief

Dave Carpenter

Dave brewed his first batch in 2009 and started writing about beer soon thereafter. In addition to geeking out on beer and language, Dave enjoys hiking, traveling, and other gerunds as well. Email Dave