November/December 2007

November/December 2007

Check out featured stories such as A Blast from the Past: 18th Century Porter, All-American Stouts, A Mountain of Stout, Parallel Porters, and Brewing Classic Styles.

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About Zymurgy

Cover Story

A Blast from the Past: 18th Century Porter

By Frank Clark

During the 18th century, one particular style of malt liquor dominated the British beer market—porter. To recreate historic porter, it is necessary to understand what it was.

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Zymurgy: November/December 2007

Parallel Porters

Think you know what a porter is? Me neither. We take a look at a few forgotten porters, the evolutionary branches that had their day, but in the end winked out.

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Zymurgy: November/December 2007

Brewing Classic Styles

This new book, a chapter of which is excerpted, provides brewers with one recipe for every competition sub-category recognized by the Beer Judge Certification Program.

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Zymurgy: November/December 2007

All-American Stouts

Comparing American stouts with the other stouts of the world, the American brash nature blasts like a klaxon alarm next to their more restrained flavors.

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Zymurgy: November/December 2007

A Mountain of Stout

February in Boulder, Colo. can be snowy and cold, but for stout lovers here, it’s one of the hottest months on the calendar as Mountain Sun holds its Stout Month.

Recipes in this Issue

  • Oktoberfest
  • Belgian Dip Chocolate Stout
  • Epicenter Imperial Stout
  • Thunderhead Stout
  • Roggenbier(German Rye)
  • Weizenbock
  • Dunkelweizen
  • Weizen/Weissbier
  • 1840 American Porter
  • Korova Cream Stout
  • Blackwine IV
  • Oatmeal Stout
  • Rasty Old Tom American Imperial Stout
  • Drake’s New Dream Stout
  • New Albion Stout
  • 1850 Porter
  • German Pilsner
  • 1750 Porter

Meet the Editor-in-Chief

Dave Carpenter

Dave brewed his first batch in 2009 and started writing about beer soon thereafter. In addition to geeking out on beer and language, Dave enjoys hiking, traveling, and other gerunds as well. Email Dave