The World’s Best Porter?

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This article originally appeared in the July/August 2023 issue of Zymurgy Magazine

By Steve Ruch

After recently exploring how to brew with minimal equipment in “Homebrew on a Budget” (May/June 20222), I started contemplating a possible follow-up article, but wasn’t quite sure just how to approach it.

I’m very satisfied with the beer I brewed with minimal equipment and using low-level techniques and I thought about doing a piece detailing a normal brewday with basic equipment, but that probably wouldn’t be of much interest to most Zymurgy readers. I then had a (rare) brilliant idea: comparing a recipe brewed on minimal equipment with the most basic technique against the same recipe brewed on an elaborate brew setup with all, or most of, the bells and whistles.

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This article includes the following:

  • HOMEBREW RECIPE: Steve’s World’s Best Porter
  • HOMEBREW RECIPE: Jed’s World’s Best Porter

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