A global pandemic has forced us inside, but homebrewing continues. Competition coordinators have reacted to safety restrictions by staging homebrew competitions that conform to public health guidelines and still offer valuable feedback to entrants. Learn how one club pulled it off.
Water treatment: RO water treated with ¼ tsp 10% phosphoric acid per 5 gallons. 1 tsp CaCl2 in mash Mash technique: Infusion, mashout, dark grains added at vorlauf Mash rests: 154°F (68°C)…
by Five Star Chemicals No matter the industry, your equipment is your investment and you should treat it that way. By taking a few easy steps, you can ensure your investment stays the same as…
Mash grains at 152° F (67° C) for 90 minutes. Mash out at 168° F (76° C) for 15 minutes, with pre-boil wort volume of 6.5 g (25 L). Bring to a rolling boil for 75 minutes, add…
Browse through 19 beer recipes for making American amber ale at home. The Beer Judge Certification Program (BJCP) style description: An amber, hoppy, moderate-strength American craft beer with a caramel malty flavor. The balance…
This beer brined turkey recipe created by Sean Z. Paxton, the Home Brew Chef, was originally published on HomeBrewChef.com. The brining technique is different than simply marinating or salt curing a meat or poultry product. By submerging a…
Mash grains at 152° F (67° C) for 60 minutes. Mash out at 168° F (76° C), with pre-boil wort volume of 6.5 g (25 L). Bring to a rolling boil for 75 minutes, addhops at specified intervals…
So, it’s Christmas and you need one last gift for that beer lover on your list. The bad news is, it’s a COVID Christmas and nobody’s definition of social distancing includes hours of wandering around a mall searching…
Place the grains in a muslin sack and then steep the grains in 1.5 gallons of water at 160°F (71.1°C) for 30 minutes. Take out the grains and hold them over the kettle allowing the remaining water to drip back…
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