Smokeska Porter


Smokeska Porter

The upfront sweetness of raisins, molasses, and chocolate is balanced by a delicate, smoky finish. Sip Smokeska Porter from a tulip glass on a cold winter night while contemplating the complexities of the universe

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March/April 2021 Zymurgy Magazine Links
beer yeast

Zymurgy: March/April 2021

Fest Test

Debates around using ale yeasts to brew lager-like beers usually center around a yeast’s ability to minimize phenol and ester character in the finished beer. In this experiment, two classic lager strains are pitted against two kveik yeasts.

March/April 2021 Zymurgy Magazine Links
fermented cider

Zymurgy: March/April 2021

Wood You Like Some Apples?

It’s only natural to consider oak for adding tannins and vanillins to our homemade ciders. But is there a better choice of wood, or is oak really the standard for a reason? See how it stacks up against pecan and mesquite.

March/April 2021 Zymurgy Magazine Links
Homebrew Competitions During Covd - JF21

Zymurgy: January/February 2021

Competition in the Time of Covid-10

A global pandemic has forced us inside, but homebrewing continues. Competition coordinators have reacted to safety restrictions by staging homebrew competitions that conform to public health guidelines and still offer valuable feedback to entrants. Learn how one club pulled it off.

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