How to Save and Display Your Digital Membership Card
Display your American Homebrewers Association member card when redeeming discounts or bragging to your buds with these easy steps: Desktop Instructions: 1. Log in by clicking…
Peruse pairings, learn how to make beer, cider, mead, kombucha, and other alternative fermentations, get DIY tutorials, and much more in our archives.
Display your American Homebrewers Association member card when redeeming discounts or bragging to your buds with these easy steps: Desktop Instructions: 1. Log in by clicking…
Cream cheese is like a thicker, creamier cousin of ricotta cheese. Like most cheese, it is milk that separates into solid curd and liquid whey forms. Curds are the solids that cheesemakers press, inoculate with cultures, and form into different types of cheese.
The time has come to an end for the Brew Guru App. Find out how to continue to maximize your AHA experience with HomebrewersAssociation.org.
Miso is a fermented paste traditionally made with soybeans. As with sake, miso ferments with the help of koji, that magic culinary mold Aspergillus oryzae, grown on rice or barley.
It’s well known that root beer is a sweet, alcohol-free soda, but did you know its “roots” are unique to America? Find out how to make root beer at home!
AHA executive director Julia Herz shares what to look forward to in 2023 and beyond for homebrewing and the AHA.
Here is a summary of the November 2022 meeting of your American Homebrewers Association Governing Committee (GC).
This particular pizza dough recipe produces 4 or 5 full-sized pizzas, depending upon how thin you like your crust.
When perceiving certain aromas of beer, you may hear people refer to “esters” and “phenols.” These terms are often times used incorrectly or interchangeably. The fact of the matter is, esters and phenols are quite different, though they…
Find links to all the web pages mentioned in the January/February 2023 issue of Zymurgy magazine.
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