March/April 2023 Zymurgy Links
two glass of pulque

Zymurgy: March/April 2023

Pulque Renaissance

Pulque is simply the fermented nectar of the agave plant, the same plant that gives us tequila and mezcal. This traditional Mexican brew teetered on the brink of extinction for years, but it is now in the midst of a serious comeback.

March/April 2023 Zymurgy Links
Modern Irish Stout article from March/April 2023 Zymurgy magazine

Zymurgy: March/April 2023

The New Black Stuff

Richard Lubell, president of the National Homebrew Club of Ireland and a BJCP Certified judge, dives into the popularity of stouts (aka “the black stuff”) in Ireland. In this article, […]

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