Bring water to boil, turn off heat, add honey and mix well.Skim foam that forms, add Irish moss and heat gently until second foam forms, then remove from heat.Chill, transfer and proceed with fermentation.Primary Fermentation: 46 days at…
Mash grains at 98°F (37°C) for 20 minutes. Raise temperature to 122°F (50°C) and hold for 20 minutes. Raise temperature to 154°F (68°C) for 65 minutes and 170°F (77°C) for 5 minutes. Primary fermentation: 6 days at 63° F…
Black Pearl Barley, developed by Patagonia Malt, allows for the characteristics of a roasted barley, like chocolate, mocha and coffee to shine through without being accompanied by the bitterness that many dark specialty malts often instill in beer.
It all started in mid-August 2011 with an email from the Hood Museum of Art at Dartmouth College in Hanover, N.H., asking me if I would give a presentation about ancient Egyptian beer-making in April 2012. The museum had an…
Homebrew legalization bills HB9 and SB171 were both passed in committee hearings last week. The next step for both bills is votes before the full House and Senate, which could occur at any time.
Once Patrick Smith discovered DIY projects, he was inspired to create something for his other hobby, homebrewing. He decided to restore a vintage refrigerator into a candy paint piece of homebrew art!
The American Homebrewers Association is working with Right To Brew, a coalition of homebrewers, to promote bills in both the Alabama House (HB9) and Senate (SB171) that would legalize homebrewing in the state. Find out how you can help.
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