Mash grains at 150°F (66°C). Use 15 grams of properly rehydrated dry yeast, 3 liquid yeast packages, or make an appropriate starter. Ferment at 67°F (19°C), slowly raising the temperature to 70°F (21°C) as the fermentation begins to slow.…
Specific step-by-step directions are not provided with this recipe, but the same general steps highlighted in Brewing with Specialty Grains can be used. Steep the grains in 1-3 gallons of 150°-170°F (65.6°-76.7°C) water for 30 minutes and remove. Stir…
Mash Pilsner malt, flaked wheat, Munich malt and caramel pils malt in 1 gallon (3.8 L) of water at 152°F (67°C) for 60 minutes. Strain and sparge into brew kettle with 0.75 gallon (2.8 L) of 170°F (77°C). Stir in…
Bring 3 gallons of water to 150°-170°F (65.6°-76.7°C). Steep the crystal malt for 30 minutes. Remove the specialty grains and add half (4 lb, 1.8 kg) of the liquid malt extract to the pot and stir until dissolved. Bring to…
Specific step-by-step directions are not provided with this recipe, but the same general steps highlighted in Let's Brew Beginner tutorial can be used. Stir in half of the malt extract in 1-3 gallons of water and then bring it to boil.…
Put 1 gallon (3.79 L) of water in the pot and bring to a boil. Turn off burner and add the malt extract. Stir until dissolved and then turn the burner back on. Add the hops. Boil for 30…
Mash in at 124° F (51° c) for 30 minutes with 36 quarts of strike water. Saccharification rest at 154° F (68° C) for 60 minutes. Collect 7 gallons of wort for boiling.
Looking at his rig, you wouldn't expect Pat to have been brewing for less than two years. This is what happens when homebrewing and engineering synthesize!
Chill some homebrew the day before so that it's ready to enjoy on brew day. While the beer is chilling, slice the pumpkin in half and remove seeds and stringy "veins." Roast the pumpkin in a 350°F (117°C) oven for…
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