This DIY homebrew project was submitted by AHA member Amanda Kertz. Serving your handcrafted beer to copious amounts of people is arguably the best part of homebrewing. My homebrew club (Kansas City Bier Meisters) has a…
Brew in a bag (BIAB) continues to grow in popularity as a cheaper and simplified way to pursue all-grain brewing. Here are five benefits of BIAB when moving to the mash. 1. Minimal Investment Jumping into all-grain brewing can be daunting, not…
A step infusion mash is employed to mash the grains. Add 8 quarts (7.6 liters) of 140°F (60°C) water to the crushed grain, stir, stabilize and hold the temperature at 132°F (53°C) for 30 minutes. Add 4 quarts (3.8…
Have you ever found yourself in the situation where you can't decide whether to enjoy a Baltic porter or fruit mead first? National Homebrew Competition 2009 Ninkasi Award-Winner Gordon Strong has the answer: blend the two to create a mead-porter hybrid!
In the 2009 National Homebrew Competition, Strong took gold in Category 20: Fruit Beer, with his blackberry Baltic porter he dubbed "Thanks, Curt." In order to achieve the blackberry profile, Strong blended in a sweet black berry melomel, courtesy of his friend and 2005 Meadmaker of the Year Curt Stock, prior to serving. As the judges noted, the result was a fascinating balance of malt and hops with the acidity and sweetness of the blackberry melomel.
If you are thinking of brewing this recipe, get the blackberry melomel going a few months ahead of time, or better yet team up with a friend who already has one fermenting!
Valentine's Day is up in the ranks of holidays that result in an overload of sweets, particularly chocolate. This year, forgo the usual bottles of wine and Champagne and break out some of your tastiest homebrew to pair with dessert…
Steep the grains in 2 gallons (7.6 L) of cool water. Heat the water to 170°F (77°C), then strain the grains. Stir in malt extract and add enough water to bring the volume up to 3 gallons (11.4…
Dear AHA, Brewers Association and Support Your Local Brewery Members, Existing Kansas law does not allow for homebrew to be served outside the home for events like homebrew club meetings and homebrew competitions. The American Homebrewers Association is supporting an effort by…
Note from Charlie: Because the full volume is boiled, you will see better hop utilization. Less bittering hops are needed to achieve the same bitterness as in the mash-extract recipe. Heat 1.5 quarts (1.4 L) water to 172°F (77.5°C),…
Dear AHA, Brewers Association and Support Your Local Brewery Members, Existing Kansas law does not allow for homebrew to be served outside the home for events like homebrew club meetings and homebrew competitions. The American Homebrewers Association is supporting an…
Amongst homebrewers, President Jimmy Carter is best known for signing H.R 1337, which contained an amendment sponsored by Senator Alan Cranston creating an exemption from taxation for beer brewed at home for personal or family use. The exemption was passed on…
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