Trappists, more formally known as the Order of Cistercians of the Strict Observance, are a Roman Catholic contemplative order with history that stretches back hundreds of years and roots long before that. The monasteries of Trappist monks and…
by Gary Glass, American Homebrewers Association Director On Monday, August 10, Fred Eckhardt of Portland, OR, one of the true pioneers of America’s homebrewing and craft brewing community passed away in his sleep at the age of 89. Fred Eckhardt was…
Based on Dan Hoffman's professional life as a world-renowned security expert, author of two security books and currently the chief technology officer for, you wouldn't take him as an avid (this is probably an understatement) homebrewer and AHA member. When…
In 1995, Michael Smith visited a newly opened brewpub in Bellingham, Wa., where he tasted his first India pale ale. Smith was bitten by the beer bug, but locally brewed, flavorful beer was hard to come by in his home…
The Style of the Month is fruit beer! Be sure to check out part 1 (Style of the Month: Fruit Beer) and part 2 (How to Add Fruit to Beer). For part 3, we hit up a local Colorado brewery…
Mash grains around 151-154° F (66-68° C) for 60 minutes. Follow hop additions as noted in the ingredients list. Follow fermentation schedule given by the chosen yeast.
Homebrewing has brought us more than we could have hoped for—pushing the envelope with new, interesting twists on traditional styles. Now, consider session beers within this context. It's a beer that has a twist on the traditional style and they…
To brew Duck Slippers Session Helles, a step infusion mash is employed. Add 8 quarts (7.6 L) of 140°F (60°C) water to the crushed grain, stir, stabilize and hold the temperature at 132°F (56°C) for 30 minutes. Add 4 quarts…
To brew Gunnawanna 'Toberfest, a step infusion mash is employed. Add 9 quarts (8.6 L) of 140°F (60°C) water to the crushed grain, stir, stabilize and hold the temperature at 132°F (56°C) for 30 minutes. Add 4.25 quarts (4…
To brew San Diego Dark Session Ale, use a single infusion mash with 9.5 qts (9 L) of 162°F (72°C) water and settle at 152°F (67°C) for 45 minutes. Sparge with 16 qts (15 L) of 170° F (77° C)…
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