Blueberry Mead
gold medal Blueberry-Mead-NHC15


Blueberry Mead

[Editor's note: Blueberry honey is typically golden in color, meaning this recipe would make a gold-colored mead] Add reverse osmosis water to the honey until it reaches 5.5 gallons. Mix until the must is fully homogenized. Add 90 seconds of…

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Damage Control
gold medal Gold Medal Cider


Damage Control

“This was an experimental rescue mead. In general, however, here’s a description of the train wreck and subsequent rescue attempt. The mead stalled in primary. Despite adjusting the pH and pitching more yeast, it would not drop below about 1.060.…

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Ice Cider
gold medal mead


Ice Cider

Sulfite the cider with Campden tablets to 50 ppm for 24 hours and then freeze solid (use a container with a bottom outlet, such as a mash tun or bottling bucket). Once frozen, slowly thaw and collect the melting liquid until…

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