Single infusion mash at 148°F (64°C) for 70 minutes. Lactobacillus only in primary fermentation. Add German ale yeast starter (Wyeast 2575) in secondary. Add five dried chipotle peppers to tertiary (rehydrate in boiled water). Primary fermentation for 21 days…
Mash at 153°F (67°C) for 60 minutes with 1.2 quarts of water per-pound of grain. Fly sparge until a pre-boil volume of 7.85 gallons (29.7 L) is achieved. Boil for 90 minutes, post boil volume 6.1 gallons (23 L). Chill…
Single infusion mash at 155°F (68°C) for 60 minutes. Primary fermentation for seven days at 62°F (17°C). Secondary fermentation for seven days at 66°F (19°C). Forced CO2 to carbonate (2.5 volumes).
[Editor's note: Blueberry honey is typically golden in color, meaning this recipe would make a gold-colored mead] Add reverse osmosis water to the honey until it reaches 5.5 gallons. Mix until the must is fully homogenized. Add 90 seconds of…
“This was an experimental rescue mead. In general, however, here’s a description of the train wreck and subsequent rescue attempt. The mead stalled in primary. Despite adjusting the pH and pitching more yeast, it would not drop below about 1.060.…
Sulfite the cider with Campden tablets to 50 ppm for 24 hours and then freeze solid (use a container with a bottom outlet, such as a mash tun or bottling bucket). Once frozen, slowly thaw and collect the melting liquid until…
Before jumping into this article, here are six things you need to know about the HBC-438 experimental hop variety: It is an experimental hop, meaning that it still has to pass more tests before it might be grown on a larger…
Homebrewing with tea adds new and complex flavors to your homemade beer. In this episode of Chop & Brew, Chip and tea-minded homebrewer Jessica Hanley look at different methods for using tea in beer while tasting several…
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