Ale of Asgard
Make yeast starter two to three days ahead of brew day. Using soft (less than 25 ppm bicarbonate), distilled, or reverse osmosis water, mash crushed malt and flaked maize at 150° F (66° C) in 15 quarts (14.2 L) water.…
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Make yeast starter two to three days ahead of brew day. Using soft (less than 25 ppm bicarbonate), distilled, or reverse osmosis water, mash crushed malt and flaked maize at 150° F (66° C) in 15 quarts (14.2 L) water.…
For years, the word lager seemed like a dirty word that homebrewers and craft beer enthusiasts dared not utter in mixed company. I mean, who drinks lager? After all, aren’t craft beer and homebrewing, in part, reactions to Big Beer’s…
Dough in with 4 gallons (15.1 L) of 100° F (38° C) water and allow to rest for 1 hour. Infuse one gallon (3.8 L) of near-boiling water every 15 minutes (6 additions total), stirring thoroughly after each addition. Mash…
Test your knowledge on the many styles of the ever-popular IPA in this week's Tuesday Beer Trivia quiz. Dry-hopped, wet-hopped, high-gravity, sessionable, delicious... All are ways we can describe the India pale ale. Test your knowledge on brewing the various…
Having helped my father homebrew for the better portion of my life in our pseudo home brewery, the Barberton Brewing Company, I knew how to wash and dry bottles. He had brewed since the early nineties, and in some way,…
The Great American Beer Festival (GABF) Pro-Am competition is a chance for homebrewers to team up with a commercial brewery to bring a homebrew-inspired beer to the masses. The beer is entered into the GABF Pro-Am competition to see how…
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