Practical Malting


Practical Malting

Craft malting is emerging as an industry that directly supports craft brewers and homebrewers. Andrea and Christian Stanley from Valley Malt discuss what motivated them to start a malt house in Massachusetts and share their equipment and process. Many homebrewers…

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Serving With Style


Serving With Style

The time has come. You have been honing your brewing craft, reading Palmer, Noonan and Zainasheff. You have tweaked your brews, entered the competitions to get guidance and pored through the forums. After brewing your best stuff, controlling your fermentation,…

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The Science of Beer Flavor


The Science of Beer Flavor

Join West Chester University Chemistry professor Dr. Roger Barth as he discusses the science behind what you taste when having your favorite brew. In this presentation, Roger breaks down what the anatomy of flavor really is, from taste and aroma…

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Yeast Culturing 101


Yeast Culturing 101

A brief history of yeast and yeast culturing will be presented, as well as a host of information detailing how the average homebrewer can accomplish this task at home using a few different methods. Topics covered include making slants, starters,…

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