Experimental Brewing


Experimental Brewing

Drew Beechum and Denny Conn discuss concepts from their upcoming book, Experimental Homebrewing. They'll cover why you should experiment and how to set up and evaluate your experiments, as well as give tips on equipment, recipes and ingredients for fruitful…

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How Good is Your Grist?


How Good is Your Grist?

The American Society of Brewing Chemists coordinated a collaborative test with 12 breweries on a method to check the coarseness of milling with sieves. This method can also be useful to homebrewers, because a correct mill setting greatly impacts the…

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Ice Cider


Ice Cider

Twenty years ago, a genuinely new kind of apple cider appeared in Quebec: cidre de glace, or ice cider. Made from frozen apples or juice, ice cider is a wine-strength, sweet drink that showcases the true character of apples. Learn…

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