Beers That Flunked The Reinheitsgebot— Or How to Brew with Ingredients from Your Yard Without Killing Your Neighbors


Beers That Flunked The Reinheitsgebot— Or How to Brew with Ingredients from Your Yard Without Killing Your Neighbors

Brewing with ingredients from the garden, yard, and nearby woods is older than the famous German beer purity law. Learn about using cultivated ingredients or foraged ingredients—even yeast collected in the wild—to make beers that are as pleasant to drink…

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Big Party, Big Money


Big Party, Big Money

Celebrate your business with a party, invite customers to take part, and have a ginormous sales day. We'll show store owners how to plan and throw a big shindig for around $200 and collect 30 times as much in sales…

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Brewing Wild


Brewing Wild

John Wilson spent a year making only spontaneously fermented beer. This seminar explores the history of open fermenting, the science behind the practice, its current uses in traditional fermentation practices, as welll as a walk-through of fermenting a wild beer…

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Brewing with Honey


Brewing with Honey

Honey is the perfect ingredient for homebrewers, providing flavor and functional benefits in a unique ingredient that’s accessible to all. This technical presentation will detail how honey's composition impacts brewing, and the flavor and functional properties the ingredient brings to…

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