Southern Highlander Wee Heavy
Mash for 60 minutes at 155°F (68°C). Take the first 2.5 quarts (2.4 liters) of runnings and boil vigorously to reduce volume to 3 cups (0.7 liter). The result should be thick and syrupy. Add the roasted barley to the…
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Mash for 60 minutes at 155°F (68°C). Take the first 2.5 quarts (2.4 liters) of runnings and boil vigorously to reduce volume to 3 cups (0.7 liter). The result should be thick and syrupy. Add the roasted barley to the…
Heat 1.5 gallons (5.7 L) water to 172° F (77.5° C) and then add crushed grains to the water. Stir well to distribute heat. Temperature should stabilize at about 155° F (68° C). Wrap a towel around the pot and…
A step infusion mash is employed to mash the grains. Add 11 quarts (10.5 L) of 140° F (60° C) water to the crushed grain, stir, stabilize, and hold the temperature at 132° F (53° C) for 30 minutes. Add…
A few days prior to brewing, prepare a 1,200 mL starter of 1.030 wort for the Brettanomyces. Mash pale and aromatic malts with flaked wheat and oats at 152° F (67° C) for 60 minutes. Vorlauf and collect first runnings.…
Mash in at 152° F (67° C) for 60 minutes. Collect runoff and heat wort to 180° F (82° C). Cool wort to 115° F (46° C), wash wort with CO2, and purge kettle or another vessel to be used…
Mash in at 154° F (68° C) for 60 minutes. Collect runoff and boil for 60 minutes. Add turbinado sugar 15 minutes before the end of boil along with 1 Whirlfloc tablet. Ferment at 68° F (20° C) until terminal…
Mash grains at 150° F (66° C) and allow to rest one hour. Apply heat or boiling water to increase temperature to 168° F (76° C) over 20 minutes. Hold at 168° F (76° C) for another 10 minutes to…
Drew Beechum is a past president of the Maltose Falcons and a frequent contributor to Zymurgy. This article appeared in the Mar/Apr 2008 issue of Zymurgy magazine. Ah, that satisfied smirk creeps across your…
Cider is simply fermented apple juice, and it's easy to make at home. This tutorial covers the easiest way to make cider at home. From this base, the sky is the limit for ingredient additions! [gallery template="slideshow" ids="34574,34558,34559,34560,34561,34563,34564,34565,34566,34567,34569,34570,34571,34572,34575"] PHOTOS © BREWERS…
Mash pale malt and flaked barley in low-alkalinity water (acidify as necessary to produce a mash pH of 5.3–5.5) at a temperature of 146–150° F (63–65° C) for 60 minutes. Add roast barley to mash at the end of mashing…
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