Count Orloque Saison
Mash grains at 150° F (66° C) and rest for one hour. Sparge at 170° F (77° C). Boil 90 minutes. Chill to 68° F (20° C), pitch yeast, and hold for two days before ramping temperature to 85°…
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Mash grains at 150° F (66° C) and rest for one hour. Sparge at 170° F (77° C). Boil 90 minutes. Chill to 68° F (20° C), pitch yeast, and hold for two days before ramping temperature to 85°…
Mash 60 minutes at 154–158° F (68–70° C). Boil 60 minutes. Ferment 7 days at 18–20° F (16–22° C). Condition for 2 weeks at 41–61° F (5–16° C). Carbonate to 2.5 volumes (5 g/L) CO2.
Mash 60 minutes at 154–158° F (68–70° C). Boil 60 minutes. Ferment 7 days at 61–70° F (16–22° C), condition for 10 days at 41–61° F (5–16° C). Carbonate to 2.5 volumes (5 g/L) CO2.
Mash 60 minutes at 153° F (67° C), then 10 minutes at 169° F (76° C). Boil 90 minutes. Ferment at 20° C (68° F) for 8–10 days. Crash cool to clarify and carbonate to 2.3 volumes (4.6…
Single-step infusion mash at 151° F (66° C) for 60 minutes. Ferment at 66° F (19° C).
Mash at 149° F (65° C) for 45 minutes (or until conversion is complete), vorlauf for 15 minutes, collect wort, and boil for 90 minutes. If desired, use Epsom salt (MgSO4) and calcium chloride for water adjustments, adding half at…
Mash grains at 156° F (69° C) for 60 minutes. The high mash temperature, caramel malt sweetness, and heft will help balance the beer when you dry it out with the bourbon/oak addition later on. Sparge at 168° F…
Mash grains at 150° F (66° C) for 60 minutes. Mash out and sparge at 168° F (76° C). Boil 90 minutes, adding first hops 60 minutes before flameout. Add Saaz hops and ground spices at flameout, and whirlpool…
Place crushed crystal malt in 2 gal. (7.6 L) of 155° F (68° C) water and let steep for 30 minutes. Then strain, rinse with 3 qt. (2.8 L) hot water, and discard the crushed grains, reserving the approximately…
A step infusion mash is employed to mash the grains. Add 11.5 qt. (10.9 L) of 140° F (60° C) water to the crushed grain, stir, stabilize, and hold the temperature at 132° F (56° C) for 30 minutes. Add…
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