Hop Water: Capturing the Essence
This spritzy, refreshing, non-alcohol beverage is experiencing massive growth on a commercial scale. We taste test some of the best, then show you how to brew your own at home.
Peruse pairings, learn how to make beer, cider, mead, kombucha, and other alternative fermentations, get DIY tutorials, and much more in our archives.
This spritzy, refreshing, non-alcohol beverage is experiencing massive growth on a commercial scale. We taste test some of the best, then show you how to brew your own at home.
Commercially available NA beer has improved to the point where in many cases it is indistinguishable from “the real thing.” Now you can brew and drink your favorite beer without the effects of alcohol.
One of the most challenging aspects of brewing NA beer is that the lack of alcohol makes it vulnerable to pathogens. Learn how to brew these exciting new lifestyle beverages safely.
If your favorite beer style is not a mass-produced lager, but you would still like fewer carbs in your beer, there are ingredient and procedural changes to reduce carbs in virtually any beer recipe.
Knowledge of beer styles goes hand in hand with homebrewing. Join Gordon Strong, the principal author of the Beer Judge Certification Program (BJCP) beer style guidelines, as he shares insights behind beer styles and how they have evolved over the years.
Sean C. Thomson & Mark Pennick of Denver, CO, a member of The Brew Crew homebrew club, won a gold medal in Category 32: American Wild Ale in the 2023 National Homebrew Competition Final Round in San Diego. The duo's Wild Specialty Beer earned gold out of 91 entries.
Eisbock are German-style dark lagers that pack a punch of strength and malt with the help of freeze concentration.
These 5 recipes earned gold medals in past National Homebrew Competitions.
Prepare for National Homebrew Competition registration to open on February 27 by reviewing the first round site locations. New this year, receiving and judging dates for entries vary by location.
This seminar tells the story of the IPA’s rise to popularity in the 18th century, how it was made, and how it likely tasted.
Jeff Bair of Kansas City, MO, won a gold medal in Category 26: European Sour Ale in the 2023 National Homebrew Competition Final Round in San Diego. Bair's Lambic earned gold out of 162 entries.
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