Hayden’s Lager
gold medal European lager nhc


Hayden’s Lager

Mash at 148° F (64° C) for 90 minutes, with constant recirculation of mash to maintain even temp. Adjust pH with lactic acid to 5.2. At the end of mash, heat to 168° F (76° C) for mash out, hold…

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Aurora Helles Bock
gold medal amber lager nhc


Aurora Helles Bock

Mash at 150° F (66° C) for 30 minutes. Transfer wort onto FWH (collect 8 gal.). Add FermCap-S to wort in boil kettle before boil starts. Add hops, yeast nutrient and Whirlfloc 15 min. before flameout. Boil for 60 min.…

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Displaying results 1991-2000 of 3792