Hayden’s Lager
gold medal European lager nhc


Hayden’s Lager

Mash at 148° F (64° C) for 90 minutes, with constant recirculation of mash to maintain even temp. Adjust pH with lactic acid to 5.2. At the end of mash, heat to 168° F (76° C) for mash out, hold…

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Aurora Helles Bock
gold medal amber lager nhc


Aurora Helles Bock

Mash at 150° F (66° C) for 30 minutes. Transfer wort onto FWH (collect 8 gal.). Add FermCap-S to wort in boil kettle before boil starts. Add hops, yeast nutrient and Whirlfloc 15 min. before flameout. Boil for 60 min.…

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Lou’s Best ESB
gold medal IPA nhc


Lou’s Best ESB

Mash at 150° F (66° C) for 60 minutes or until conversion is complete. Vorlauf for 10 minutes or until wort is clear, collect wort. Batch sparge with volume of water to achieve 7.5 gal of preboil volume (Vorlauf and…

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Displaying results 1991-2000 of 3790