John’s American Lager
Mash at 149° F (65° C) for 90 minutes with constant recirculation during mash. Adjust pH with lactic acid to 5.2. Raise temp to 168° F (76° C) for mash out, hold for 10 minutes, then begin runoff and sparge.…

Hayden’s Lager
Mash at 148° F (64° C) for 90 minutes, with constant recirculation of mash to maintain even temp. Adjust pH with lactic acid to 5.2. At the end of mash, heat to 168° F (76° C) for mash out, hold…

Kyle’s Bavarian Pils
No-sparge method with 10 gal. of reverse osmosis water (3.48 qt./lb.). Mash in with initial temperature of 151° F (66° C). Rest for 4 hours, during which time the mash temperature may drop as low as 142° F (61° C).…

Lovelace Vienna Lager
Adjust pH to 5.2 with lactic acid for mash. RIMS step mash 144° F (62° C) for 30 min, 158° F (70° C) for 30 min, 170° F (77° C) for 15 min or until clear. No sparge, top off…

Dark Rhine Schwarzbier
Mash in with 4.25 gal. (16 L) of 162° F (72° C) water and hold 60 minutes at 148° F (64° C). Sparge at 168° F (76° C) with 8.23 gal. (31.2 L) water. Boil 120 minutes, adding first hop…

Aurora Helles Bock
Mash at 150° F (66° C) for 30 minutes. Transfer wort onto FWH (collect 8 gal.). Add FermCap-S to wort in boil kettle before boil starts. Add hops, yeast nutrient and Whirlfloc 15 min. before flameout. Boil for 60 min.…

Roger That Roggenbier
Use filtered tap water. Mash at 154° F (68° C) with about 5.5 gal. (20.8 L) of water for 60 mins. With a BIAB system, after draining the main wort, mash out with 2 to 2.5 gal. of water at…

Lou’s Best ESB
Mash at 150° F (66° C) for 60 minutes or until conversion is complete. Vorlauf for 10 minutes or until wort is clear, collect wort. Batch sparge with volume of water to achieve 7.5 gal of preboil volume (Vorlauf and…

Stewpid Propino Scottish Ale
Mash at 152° F (67° C) for 60 min with 12.8 qt. strike water. Batch sparge with 7.42 gal. (28 L) of water at 168° F (76° C). Collect first gallon of runnings in a separate boiling pot. While collecting…
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