Plum Crazy Cider
silver medal National Homebrew Competition


Plum Crazy Cider

Add 2.5 g of potassium metabisulfite to juice 24 hours prior to pitching yeast. Pitch yeast at 68° F in primary and hold for 10 days then add 3.5 lbs of peeled ripe elephant heart plums in to secondary for…

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HBock Helles Bock
bronze medal National Homebrew Competition


HBock Helles Bock

Reverse Osmosis water profile. Mash at 150° F (65° C) for 60 minutes. Boil 1 gallon wort for 1 hour until 30% volume is achieved to create a pseudo-decoction. Raise temp to 168° F (76° C) for mash out,…

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Displaying results 1961-1970 of 3792