Star Maker Imperial Stout
Mash at 155° F for 60 minutes. Mashout at 168° F for 10 minutes. Primary fermentation 2 weeks. Secondary fermentation for 90 days in 2nd use whiskey barrel.
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Mash at 155° F for 60 minutes. Mashout at 168° F for 10 minutes. Primary fermentation 2 weeks. Secondary fermentation for 90 days in 2nd use whiskey barrel.
Mash at 148° F for 90 minute rest. Recirculate, then sparge at 175° F. 90 minute boil. Chill to just under 180° F, and then add whirlpool hops for 10 minutes before continuing to chill. Bubble oxygen for 90…
Stepped mash with the following rests: FAN rest at 122° F for 15 minutes; Protein rest at 135° F for 15 minutes; Beta rest at 145° F for 30 minutes; Alpha rest at 158° F for 30 minutes; Mashout at…
Water profile: Calcium = 50 ppm; Magnesium = 15 ppm; Sodium = 44 ppm; Sulfate = 56 ppm; Chloride = 90 ppm. Mash at 150° F for 60 minutes. Boil for 150 minutes. Begin fermentation at 65° F…
Single-infusion mash at 148° F for 75 minutes or until conversion is complete. Batch sparged (3 steps): 0.5 gal/2.25gal/2.25gal at 168° F. To prevent the impression of the beer being ""watered down"" you need to be careful not to collect…
Target 55 ppm Calcium, 87 ppm Chloride, and 43 ppm sulfate using Calcium Chloride and Gypsum. Mash at 149° F for 30 minutes. Pull decoction and boil for 10 minutes. Return decoction to main mash to raise to 155°…
Target water profile: 19ppm Calcium; 2ppm Magnesium; 15ppm Sodium; 15ppm Sulfate; 23ppm Chloride. Mash pH target of 5.22. Sparge with lactic acid. Mash at 149° F. 90 minute boil. Pitch yeast at 66° F and slowly raise temperature…
Ferment at 70° F for 3 months. Add 4 g Fermaid K 1 day after yeast pitched. Add 4 g Fermaid K 12 days after yeast pitched (40% fermented) Clarify with Super Kleer at 3 months.
Ferment at 66° F until terminal gravity is reached (0.998). Add wine tannin and backsweeten to taste.
Mix honey and water with a stir stick in an over sized bucket or carboy. Hydrate dry yeast with GoFerm and pitch into primary fermenter. Use a staggered nutrient addition schedule with Fermaid O. Primary ferment for 21 days with…
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