Abbey Saison
silver medal National Homebrew Competition


Abbey Saison

Stepped mash with the following rests: FAN rest at 122° F for 15 minutes; Protein rest at 135° F for 15 minutes; Beta rest at 145° F for 30 minutes; Alpha rest at 158° F for 30 minutes; Mashout at…

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Cherry Weisse
silver medal National Homebrew Competition


Cherry Weisse

Single-infusion mash at 148° F for 75 minutes or until conversion is complete. Batch sparged (3 steps): 0.5 gal/2.25gal/2.25gal at 168° F. To prevent the impression of the beer being ""watered down"" you need to be careful not to collect…

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Smoked Helles
silver medal National Homebrew Competition


Smoked Helles

Target 55 ppm Calcium, 87 ppm Chloride, and 43 ppm sulfate using Calcium Chloride and Gypsum. Mash at 149° F for 30 minutes. Pull decoction and boil for 10 minutes. Return decoction to main mash to raise to 155°…

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Pepper Mead
silver medal National Homebrew Competition


Pepper Mead

Mix honey and water with a stir stick in an over sized bucket or carboy. Hydrate dry yeast with GoFerm and pitch into primary fermenter. Use a staggered nutrient addition schedule with Fermaid O. Primary ferment for 21 days with…

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Displaying results 1951-1960 of 3792