Mash in at 149°F (65°C) and rest 45 minutes. Raise mash temperature to 158°F (70°C) and rest 60 minutes. Do not mash out. Drain mash tun and batch sparge with 180°F (82°C) water, collecting wort onto first wort hops. Boil…
Single infusion mash option: Include the melanoidin malt and mash at 152°F (67°C) for 90 minutes followed by a 10-minute mash out at 168°F (76°C). Decoction option: Omit melanoidin malt. Mash in at 132°F (56°C) and hold for 10…
Place the crushed malts and flaked maize in a large steeping bag. Heat 6 qt. (5.7 L) of water to 164°F (73.3°C) and pour it into the cooler. Lower the grain bag into the hot water and use a large…
Crush the base malts as you normally would. If you are using the black malt, mill it separately and finely. The small amount of black malt can improve clarity at the expense of a bit of extra color (around 1…
Mash in at 153°F (67°C) and hold one hour. Collect and boil wort, adding hops as indicated. Chill wort to 64°F (18°C) and pitch yeast starter at the same temperature. Maintain temperature of 64°F (18°C) until signs of an active…
Conduct a single-temperature infusion mash at 152°F (66.7°C) with all grains except the Midnight Wheat. Add Midnight Wheat 30 minutes into the 60-minute mash. Fly sparge with water at 168°F (75.6°C) until you hit desired volume and pre-boil gravity. Bring…
Single infusion mash at 152°F (66.7°C). Sparge at 168°F (75.6°C) and collect runoff. Bring to a boil, add hops, and boil for 60 minutes. Chill, oxygenate, pitch yeast, and ferment at 66°F (18.9°C).
Mash at 153° F (67° C) for 75 minutes. Perform 60 minute boil and follow hop addition. Flame out, cool, and pitch yest. Dry hop 7 days after primary fermentation.
A step infusion mash and separate cereal mash are employed to mash the grains. Add 6 qt. (4.3 L) of cold water to 1 cup (250 mL) crushed Pilsner malt and 1 pound (454 g) of flaked corn and bring…
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