Imperial Stout: 300 Years in the Making
Join this duo of time-traveling homebrewer historians as they explore the evolution, near-death, and rebirth of Imperial Stout!
Peruse pairings, learn how to make beer, cider, mead, kombucha, and other alternative fermentations, get DIY tutorials, and much more in our archives.
Join this duo of time-traveling homebrewer historians as they explore the evolution, near-death, and rebirth of Imperial Stout!
Rarely is one carboy free of off flavors while also expressing the right balance of acidity and funk. Blending is one way to make consistently good sour beer most of the time. Brewers will learn how to blend to achieve…
It’s time to shut down the pumpkin beer haters! This presentation will take a detailed look at the history of pumpkin beer, cover the rise of “pumpkin spice” culture and its effect on the style, get into the nitty-gritty of…
Malt is the soul of beer, crafted by transforming barley into packages of starch that enzymes can convert to yeast-fermentable sugars. While new varieties of barley are formulated, tested, and approved every year, malting companies continue to innovate beyond that…
Homebrewing is popular around the world! Join this panel discussion as international homebrewers share their experiences and help Homebrew Con attendees learn more about homebrewing scenes beyond the United States.
Learn how to make kimchi at home. It’s easy and delicious! Kimchi can easily be customized to your personal preferences, too. Many of the principles involved with kimchi can also be applied to other fermented foods.
Our panel of experts will explore the history of kombucha from its earliest documented existence to its evolution into a commercially significant product. We will explore the intriguing and complex microbiology that underlies this mixed fermentation and culminates in the…
Have you ever wondered why your Simcoe hop addition is fruity when added as a late-kettle addition but “catty” as a dry hop? If you want your Hallertau to express more spice notes than vegetal character, should you add it…
Join beer historian Ronald Pattinson as he highlights the last two centuries of Scottish beer history and debunks many myths that have sprung up around Scottish brewing. Ron will discuss ingredients, brewing techniques, beers styles, and how each of these…
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