Using Raw Ingredients: Cereal Mashing Explained
Open a whole new world of brewing opportunity with raw grains! Accessible from your own backyard or the local grocery aisle, unmalted grains have been used in brewing since the beginning of time. From amaranth to wheat, we’ll look at…

Using Tannic Acid to Clarify and Stabilize Your Brew
Mentioning the word tannin to a brewer usually brings up negative connotations of haze, astringency, and flawed processes. In fact, the world of tannins is a large and complex one, and certain citizens of this world can deliver positive attributes…

Why You Do What You Do: Avoiding Common Off Flavors
The basics of brewing are well documented and generally understood by homebrewers: proper cleaning and sanitation, a vigorous boil, fast hot and cold break, healthy yeast, and temperature control, to name a few. However, brewers often don’t realize…

Would I Lie to You? Homebrewing Advice Demystified as Legit or Myth!
Pro brewers don’t want you to know this. Number 7 will surprise you! You won’t believe what happens next! Forgo the clickbait and join this seminar to get the real story on whether the common (and not-so-common) homebrewing advice you’ve…

Yeast Harvesting, Banking, and Quality Control
Years ago, I started a thread on HomebrewTalk.com to share my techniques for banking yeast at home easily and inexpensively using slants. Little did I expect that the thread would go on to become one of the longest and most…

Making Extract Beer That Rivals All-Grain Brewing
Learn how to use extracts and specialty grains to brew beer that rivals all-grain brewing. We’ll cover recipe formulation and techniques that enable homebrewers to make superior beers with basic equipment and good planning.

Mastering Cider: Tips for Making Better Cider from Master Cidermakers
Join this panel of experienced home cidermakers to have your burning questions about cider answered. Each panelist will offer in-depth tips on how to improve as a cidermaker. Come with an open mind and an inquisitive palate.

Mastering Mead Making
Learn how time, temperature, nutrients, honey source & age, and your water source all affect the quality of mead.

Maximizing Variety with a Single Brew Day: How to Get Four Distinct Beer Styles from a Single Five-Hour Brew Session
You used to brew a few times a month and keep a variety of styles on tap. But now you have a child, and suddenly your significant other isn’t cool with your leaving him or her to be a single…
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