Princesse Beer 1866
Russian River Blind Pig recipe


Princesse Beer 1866

Mash at 152°F (66.7°C) for 60 minutes or until an iodine starch test indicates full conversion. (If you opt for 100 percent Munich malt, the lower diastatic power compared to other base malts may require extra time to complete saccharification.)…

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T’alla Braggot


T’alla Braggot

Heat 5 gal. (15.1 L) water to 160–170° F (71.1–76.7°C), add malt extract and steeping grains, and steep 30 minutes. Remove steeping grains and bring to a boil. Boil 30 minutes. Dissolve honey in the wort and add gesho in…

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T’ej Mead


T’ej Mead

Mix the honey and water in your brew kettle and bring the temperature to 160–170°F (71.1–76.7°C) for 10 minutes to pasteurize. If you would like to sterilize the gesho, briefly dip it into a separate pot of boiling water to…

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