Schwarzer Geist Dark Lager
Single infusion mash at 151° F for 60 minutes. Batch sparge with 170° F water and collect 7 gallons to boil for 90 minutes. Chill to 55° F and pitch a 2 liter starter. Ferment at 50 - 55° F…
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Single infusion mash at 151° F for 60 minutes. Batch sparge with 170° F water and collect 7 gallons to boil for 90 minutes. Chill to 55° F and pitch a 2 liter starter. Ferment at 50 - 55° F…
Direct fire Hochkurz mash: 145ºF for 40 minutes. 158ºF for 20 minutes. Mash out at 168ºF for 10 minutes. Batch sparge, drain 100% then add sparge water at 180ºF, should even out at ~168ºF. Use a 4 L stir plate…
Double infusion mash with a 30 minute rest at 122° F. Add 192° F water to mash to bring it to 148° F for 30 minutes. Bring temp to 168° F for mash out. Sparge with 168° F water. Boil…
BIAB, Single Infusion full volume mash at 152° F for 60 minutes. Add Brown Sugar in last 10 minutes of boil. After flameout, add whirlpool hops and whirlpool 20 minutes. Chill to 65° F and allow to rise to 68-70°…
Water Treatment: RO water with 1 tsp calcium chloride added to mash. Single infusion mash at 152°F for 60 minutes. No sparge batch, so all brewing liquor added to mash then drained. Chill to 68°F and pitch yeast. Ferment…
Single infusion mash at 154° F for 60 minutes. Lauter then boil for 60 minutes. Add whirlpool hops, and allow 15 minutes of contact time. Chill to 68° F and pitch healthy yeast starter. Ferment at 68° F. On day…
Single infusion mash @ 153 ºF for 60 minutes. Direct fire heat to mash out at 168 ºF for 10 minutes. Batch sparge, drain 100% then add sparge water at 180 ºF, should even out ~168 ºF. Use 1L stir…
Mash in with 17.5 qts water for a 60 minute rest at 156° F. Add 17 qts sparge water to mash out. Vorleuf until wort clear, collect, and boil. Chill to 64° F, pitch yeast, and allow to free rise…
Single infusion mash at 154° F for 60 minutes. Mash and Sparge, then boil for 60 minutes. After flameout, chill to 66° F, oxygenate and pitch in yeast. Ferment at 66-68° F. Let condition for two weeks after fermentation is…
Two separate 1600 mL yeast starters with Wyeast 1335. Allowed to settle and decanted each to 1L prior to pitching. Brew in a bag full volume mash. Direct fire step mash using only Base Malts to target Mash pH 5.3: …
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