Smoked beer can run the gamut from subtle to shouting, fruity to fiery. It can be a nuanced ingredient complimenting other beer ingredients or it can be the star of the show and everywhere in between. From historically being present in virtually all beers to now being showcased in a handful of styles, smoke can be a delicious and intriguing flavor in a variety of styles. Learn more about the history of smoked beer and smoked beer styles as well as how homebrewers can impart smoke into their recipes.
About the Speaker
Jen Blair is the co-host of the beer podcast False Bottomed Girls. She is an Advanced Cicerone and a National BJCP Beer Judge. Jen is currently working toward her Master Cicerone and her Master BJCP Beer Judge certification. She is on the AHA Governing Committee and the chair of the AHA Industry subcommittee. An avid all-grain brewer, her favorite beers to brew are barleywines and smoked beers.
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