Never fear under- or over-carbonated beer again! Learn how to precisely package your finished beer into all types of bottles or kegs (or from kegs into bottles) and uncover an assortment of additional tips and tricks to minimize headaches between the finished ferment and drinking your brew. Whether submitting for competition or simply sharing your wares with friends and family, present those bubbles the best way possible.
Suggested beer pairing to follow along with: Saison Dupont or Duvel Belgian Pale Ale.
About the Speaker
A member of C.H.A.O.S. homebrew club, Kyle has been homebrewing for 13 years and has been active with the BJCP since 2013, where he is currently a National-ranked judge. He has a BEng in Biomedical Engineering and PhD in Biochemistry from Nashville’s own Vanderbilt University. When not brewing, he can be found trail running or cooking. He lives in the Chicago suburbs with his wife, daughter, and stepdaughter.
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