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Classical Lager Brewing


Classical Lager Brewing

By Josh Pfriem Brewing classical lager beers is a balancing act that allows you to unleash delicate and subtle flavors while showing off beautiful raw ingredients. To drink a well-made German lager is like experiencing a well performed symphony; it is…

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Session Science
session beer

How to Brew

Session Science

[This article is the Novermber/December 2017 Zymurgy online extra] Session beers can be formulated using virtually any standard-strength beer as a template. They can be sour (Berliner weisse), malty (English mild), Belgian (patersbier), or…

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TNT Cider
TNT Cider


TNT Cider

This cider recipe from Drew Beechum includes tarragon and thyme. The sweet licorice flavor from the tarragon tames the thyme's savory spice to create a delightful blend for this cider.

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