We are excited to announce the Homebrew Con headline session will be presented by the California Homebrewers Association’s Andy Carter on June 22.
Andy’s session, “You Miss 100% of the Batches You Don’t Brew” will kick off the first day of the conference.
Nothing is more satisfying than pouring the first glass of a new brew. Just ask Andy. He believes the effort, problem-solving, and mistakes while homebrewing make everything taste even more delicious. Join this not-to-miss main stage presentation as Andy shares his journey from kitchen stove brewing in grad school to leveling up skills with the Ventura Independent Beer Enthusiasts, his take on the essential value membership associations deliver, his time as a California Homebrewers Association volunteer leader, and…the pain and gain along the way. This is a story of building friendships and teams, changing laws (we’re looking at you, California), how every setback is an opportunity to grow, and how homebrewing might just transform your life as it did for Andy.
Register for Homebrew Con 2023
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