This fall, the Brewers Association (BA) and the American Homebrewers Association (AHA) will mix homebrew with politics once again to host the third annual Capitol Hill Staff Homebrew Competition in Washington, D.C., and a daylong homebrew event for members and staff of Congress on September 27, 2018.
[FLASHBACK: AHA Issues Awards in 2nd Annual Capitol Hill Staff Competition in D.C.]
The AHA and homebrew have had a growing presence on Capitol Hill in recent years. Along with the competition, the AHA has participated in the BA’s Hill Tasting Receptions, has taken part in the Annual Hill Climb, and will be hosting the first Homebrew on the Hill event in September to promote the AHA and the hobby of homebrewing.
The goal for this growing presence is to celebrate all of those homebrewers in our nation’s capital while keeping the AHA top-of-mind to those in Washington, D.C., for potential homebrewing lobbying efforts down the road, something all homebrewers may benefit from.
The competition is open to any employee on Capitol Hill (custodial staff, security staff, congressional staffers, etc.). If you or anyone you know may be eligible to participate in the competition, please encourage them to register!

Brewers Association President Bob Pease (right) poses with Claudio Urrabazo and Yuri Beckelman of Representative Steny H. Hoyer’s (D-Maryland) office after earning 2nd place for their saison in the 2017 Capitol Hill Staff Homebrew Competition.
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