Chocolate and beer have long been a combination used to elevate the beer-drinking experience. If you’re a craft beer enthusiast or homebrewer, you’ve very likely had a chocolate beer or two grace your coaster. So it should come as no surprise that zymurgists worldwide are making chocolate beer at home.
Stouts—typically malt-forward dark ales—lend themselves particularly well to accommodating chocolate additions. The bold flavors of stout, often with notes of roast and coffee, pair perfectly with sweet additions of chocolate.
Browse through our selection of stouts that are the basis for fantastic chocolate beer recipes. Looking for more beer recipe inspiration? Visit our Homebrew Recipe Library!
New to Homebrewing?
If you’re new to making beer at home and need a hand getting started, the American Homebrewers Association has got you covered! Check out our video on the Easy Guide to Making Beer at Home, along with our collection of homebrewing tutorials covering the various ways you can make beer. We suggest starting with extract or extract with specialty grains!

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