Oatmeal Belgian Pale Ale

ABV: 7.10%

IBU: 30

SRM: 4

OG: 1.067

FG: 1.013

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The following beer recipe is featured in the January/February 2005 issue of Zymurgy magazine. Access this issue along with the archives with Zymurgy Online!

Bill Schneller thinks the best approach to brewing Belgian beers is to not be a slave to the guidelines. Most Belgian-style beers are yeast driven, with malt and hops playing supporting roles. Schneller says adding fully fermentable sugar to the boil is essential to making a high-gravity beer that's still dry and crisp. This recipe is a great example of how experimenting with malts and hops can still produce a beer that fits loosely into the Belgian guidelines. Flaked oats give it a smooth finish, while noble hops and yeast bring out the Belgian characteristics.

This recipe was originally featured in "Belgian-style Brews: Tricks of the Trade" by Bill Schneller in the January/February 2005 issue of Zymurgy. 


Brewed 6 times

The following beer recipe is featured in the January/February 2005 issue of Zymurgy magazine. Access this issue along with the archives with Zymurgy Online!

Bill Schneller thinks the best approach to brewing Belgian beers is to not be a slave to the guidelines. Most Belgian-style beers are yeast driven, with malt and hops playing supporting roles. Schneller says adding fully fermentable sugar to the boil is essential to making a high-gravity beer that's still dry and crisp. This recipe is a great example of how experimenting with malts and hops can still produce a beer that fits loosely into the Belgian guidelines. Flaked oats give it a smooth finish, while noble hops and yeast bring out the Belgian characteristics.

This recipe was originally featured in "Belgian-style Brews: Tricks of the Trade" by Bill Schneller in the January/February 2005 issue of Zymurgy. 


  • 9.0 lb. (4.09 kg) Pilsener malt
  • 2.0 lb. (0.9 kg) Vienna malt
  • 1.0 lb. (0.45 kg) flaked oats
  • 0.75 lb. (340 g) corn sugar (added to kettle)
  • 1.0 oz. (28 g) Hallertauer hops, 4.5% a.a. (60 min.)
  • 1.0 oz. (28 g) Saaz hops, 3.5% a.a. (30 min.)
  • 0.5 oz. (14 g) Saaz hops, 3.5% a.a. (10 min.)
  • Wyeast 3787 Trappist High Gravity yeast


Yield: 5 gallons (19 L)

Original Gravity: 1.067

Final Gravity: 1.013

ABV: 7.10%

IBU: 30

SRM: 4

Boil Time: 90 minutes


Mash at 150°F (66°C) for one hour. Mash out at 168°F (76°C). Sparge with 168°F (76°C) water to collect 7 gallons (26.5 liters). Boil 90 minutes. Cool to 70°F (21°C) and pitch yeast (in a starter).

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