This week's recipe was an official Big Brew Day recipe from 2007. It was written by Tony McCrimmon and has lots of IBU's to help you get your bitter fix! Recipe located in Homebrewopedia.
This week's recipe was an official Big Brew Day recipe from 2007. It was written by Tony McCrimmon and has lots of IBU's to help you get your bitter fix! Recipe located in Homebrewopedia.
- 9 lb (4 kg) Pale Malt (2-row)
- 3 lb (1.4 kg) Munich Malt
- 1 lb (.45 kg) Crystal 40L
- 0.5 lb (.22 kg) Cara-Pils Dextrine Malt
- 2 oz (56 g) Summit Pellet Hops, 19% alpha acid (20 min)
- 2 oz (56 g) Summit Pellet Hops, 19% alpha acid (10 min)
- 2 oz (56 g) Summit Pellet Hops, 19% alpha acid (5 min)
- 1 oz (28 g) Summit Pellet Hops, 19% alpha acid (Dry Hop)
- 1 tsp Irish Moss (15 min)
- 2 Packets/2 Tubes Wyeast 1968 London ESB Yeast/White Labs WLP002 English Ale Yeast (or a half gallon starter)
Yield: 5 gallons (19 L)
Original Gravity: 1.073
IBU: 190.3
SRM: 10
Boil Time: 90 minutes
Efficiency: 75%
Mash grains at 154º F (68º C) for one hour. Bring to 170º F (77º C) and sparge with 170º F (77º C) water. Collect enough wort (a little over 6 gallons or 22.7 L) to end up with 5 gallons (19 L) after a 90-minute boil. Add hops and Irish moss according to the recipe (note that all bittering in this beer comes from late addition hops). After a 90-minute boil, chill to 66º F (19º C), rack to fermenter, pitch yeast and aerate well. Pitch two packages of yeast or a 1/2 gallon starter. Ferment at 66º F to 68º F (19º C to 20º C) for two weeks, then rack to secondary and dry hop 1oz of Summit Pellet Hops. Let sit with dry hops added for three weeks before bottling or kegging.
Extract, 5 gallons (19 L)
Concentratted boil of approximately 3 gallons (11.5 L)
8.5 lb (3.5 kg) | Light Liquid Malt Extract |
2 lb (1.4 kg) | Amber Liquid Malt Extract |
2 oz (56 g) | Summit Pellet Hops, 19% alpha acid (20 min) |
2 oz (56 g) | Summit Pellet Hops, 19% alpha acid (10 min) |
2 oz (56 g) | Summit Pellet Hops, 19% alpha acid (5 min) |
1 oz (28 g) | Summit Pellet Hops, 19 % alpha acid (Dry Hop) |
1 tsp | Irish Moss (15 min) |
2 packets/2 tubes | Wyeast 1968 London ESB Yeast/White Labs WLP002 English Ale Yeast |
Stir extract into 2 gallons (7.6 L) of warm water. Bring to a boil - total boil time will be 35 minutes. Add hops and Irish moss according to the recipe (note that all bittering in this beer comes from late addition hops). Cool the wort after completeing the boil, and then rack to a fermenter with enough cold water to make 5 gallons. When temperature drops to 66º F (19º C), pitch two packages of yeast or a 1/2 gallon starter and aerate well. Ferment at 66º F to 68º F (19º C to 20º C) for two weeks, then rack to secondary and dry hop 1oz of Summit pellet hops. Let sit with dry hops added for three weeks beforre bottling or kegging.

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