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Author Topic: Watneys Cream Stout Clone  (Read 4685 times)

Offline quest4watneys

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Watneys Cream Stout Clone
« on: January 28, 2011, 07:31:10 pm »
Does anyone know where I could find a recipe for a Watneys Cream Stout Clone? It was made by Watney Truman LTD. in London and imported here. I was introduced to this beer in the early 90's and read now that the brewery is defunct. Thanks!
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Re: Watneys Cream Stout Clone
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2011, 07:03:34 pm »
I responded to this in another thread but its probably better here, here's a repost:

I remember this too, really enjoyable. A buddy of mine really likes making clone brews and gave me this recipe when I asked about it, not sure where its from but it sounds delicious. I think i might try it soon:

Watney's Cream Stout
Watney Truman Ltd., London, England   

This opaque black stout has a creamy, dark tan head with a sweet, roasted, malt and coffee aroma. The smooth flavor is a bittersweet combination of coffee and roasted grains followed by a dry toffee aftertaste. It has a creamy mouthfeel and moderate carbonation.
Yield: 5 gallons (18.9 L)   
Final gravity: 1.014-1.015   
SRM 98   
Original gravity: 1.047-1.048   
IBU 21   
4.2% alcohol by volume   

Crush and steep in 1 gallon (3.8 L) 150°L (65.5°C) water for 20 minutes:   
12 oz. (.34 kg) 55°L British crystal malt
12 oz. (.34 kg) British chocolate malt
4 oz. (113 g) flaked barley
4 oz. (113 g) roasted barley   

Alternate Methods   
Mini-mash Method: Mash 1.5 lb. (.68 kg) British 2-row pale malt and the specialty grains at 150°F (65.5°C) for 90 minutes. Then follow the extract recipe omitting 2 lb. (.9 kg) DME at the beginning of the boil.   

All-grain Method: Mash 6.25 lb. (2.8 kg) British 2-row pale malt, 1 lb. (.45 kg) dextrin malt and the specialty grains at 150°F (65.5°C) for 90 minutes. Add 4.5 HBU (25% less than the extract recipe) of bittering hops for 90 minutes of the boil. Add the Irish moss for the last 15 minutes of the boil.   

Strain the grain water into your brew pot. Sparge the grains with ½ gallon (1.9 L) water at 150°F (65.5°C). Add water to the brew pot for 1.5 gallons (5.7 L) total volume. Bring the water to a boil, remove the pot from the stove, and add:   
5 lb. (2.3 kg) M&F light DME
2/3 lb. (.3 kg) Malto-dextrin
1.5 oz. (42 g) Fuggles @ 4% AA (6 HBU) (bittering hop)   
Add water until total volume in the brew pot is 2.5 gallons (9 L). Boil for 45 minutes then add:   
1 tsp. (5 ml) Irish moss   
Boil for 15 minutes, remove pot from the stove, and cool for 15 minutes. Strain the cooled wort into the primary fermenter and add cold water to obtain 5 gallons (18.9 L). When the wort temperature is under 80°F (26.6°C), pitch your yeast.   
1st choice: Wyeast's 1028 London ale yeast
(Frement at 68-72°F [20-22°C])
2nd choice: Wyeast's 1098 British ale yeast
(Ferment at 68-72°F [20-22°C])   
Ferment in the primary fermenter 4-5 days or until fermentation slows, then siphon into the secondary fermenter. Bottle when fermentation is complete with:   
1¼ cup (300 ml) M&F wheat DME   
Serve in a pint glass at 55°F (13°C).   
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Offline quest4watneys

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Re: Watneys Cream Stout Clone
« Reply #2 on: January 31, 2011, 08:49:49 pm »
Thanks Tony! Watney's is definitely one of my top, all time favorites!
I'm now an official AHA member!