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Author Topic: First attempt.....  (Read 10129 times)

Offline smthgfshy

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Re: First attempt.....
« Reply #15 on: December 22, 2010, 07:25:53 pm »
to all:  sweet advise.  I hope it becomes more digestible after I get my hands dirty, cuz I had no idea that some grains were already converted.  I think I remember seeing that somewhere in the book, but the original recipe didn't say anything about mashing the munich.....and it wasn't like the grain bin at the store was labeled or color coded differentiating converted grains vs. non-converted grains. 

I think I'll still use the term sparge.  it sounds cooler. 


Offline ipaguy

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Re: First attempt.....
« Reply #16 on: December 23, 2010, 07:23:02 am »
How many gallons is this recipe for?  I'm figuring an OG of around 1.046 for a 10 gal. batch.
Edit:  woops. just realized this is for an imperial IPA, so it looks like 1.092 OG for 5 gal.  This is certainly a HUGE beer for a first time attempt.  OP, you really need to make a yeast starter for this and make sure that your wort is well oxygenated before pitching.  You're going to have to make sure that this stuff is completely fermented before bottling it.  Otherwise you risk ending up with bottle-bombs.  This actually looks more like a barleywine recipe than an IIPA.  If it tastes terrible after a month or so don't dump it.  It could be great after aging a year or 3.
Edit #2:  btw, OP, if you really have your heart set on brewing something like this on your first go, you should download and listen to a Brewing Network show about high-gravity brewing which can be found here:
« Last Edit: December 23, 2010, 02:29:07 pm by ipaguy »
Primary: gotlandsdricke/alt/dunkel hybrid
Secondary: pale barleywine,
Bottled:  Gotlandsdricke
               Oatmeal/blackberry stout
               Honey Kolsch

Offline smthgfshy

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Re: First attempt.....
« Reply #17 on: December 23, 2010, 04:47:38 pm »
ipaguy: I added in the rye, subtracted a little chocolate, swapped some extract and hops around based on availability, but everything else has remained the same.  the original recipe is for an imperial red ale that steeps I wanted to lighten, freshen, crisp up the body a little, hence the wheat extract, rye, and chocolate malt reduction.  I'd ask that you make a recommendation of something to eliminate as I don't have the skills or knowledge to construct a starter culture.  I've experienced bottle bombs in the past...not very fun...and I don't want a repeat especially considering I'm using 1l fliptops.  My first thought would be to eliminate the rye, but all the grains are currently in one bag....maybe I could refrain from adding the wheat extract...??  I'll check out the link too.  Thanks for all the tips, info, ideas, and good karma....  This buds for you!!!

Offline ipaguy

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Re: First attempt.....
« Reply #18 on: December 23, 2010, 05:22:35 pm »
Do you have the 2.5 lbs. of Munich malt in your grain bag?    This is what I calculated the 1.092 OG for:

2.5 lbs Munich malt
.5 lbs Crystal 120
.75 lbs Crystal 60
.5 lbs rye
.125 lbs Chocolate
6 lbs Pale LME
3 lbs Wheat Malt extract

Just want to make sure we're on the same page before I crunch some more numbers.  I think if we can get you more down into the 1.070 - 1.080 area you'll be a lot less likely to have problems an still have an Imperial IPA.
Primary: gotlandsdricke/alt/dunkel hybrid
Secondary: pale barleywine,
Bottled:  Gotlandsdricke
               Oatmeal/blackberry stout
               Honey Kolsch

Offline smthgfshy

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Re: First attempt.....
« Reply #19 on: December 23, 2010, 08:34:13 pm »

yes, that is what I have.  Did you calculate that using promash or similar software?

thanks for the number crunching.....listening to the podcast now.....


Offline ipaguy

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Re: First attempt.....
« Reply #20 on: December 24, 2010, 07:02:37 am »

yes, that is what I have.  Did you calculate that using promash or similar software?

thanks for the number crunching.....listening to the podcast now.....


Yes, that was calculated with promash.  I forgot to ask, but I assumed that the wheat extract in the recipe is DME.  If it's LME that would change the numbers a little bit.  Assuming that it's wheat DME we're talking about and you've already bagged up you grains to mini-mash, then the wheat is probably the easiest to change to bring your gravity down  I figured that if you leave it out completely you get 1.064 OG, which isn't really Imperial any more.  I suggest that you cut the wheat back to around somewhere between 1 lb to 2.5 lbs to give these kind of numbers:

with 1 lb wheat ---> 1.073
        1.5 lbs      ----> 1.078
         2  lbs.      -----> 1.083
        2.5 lbs      -----> 1.087

If you look at ingredient  kits for IIPAs, double IPAs, triple IPAs, etc. the OGs run around 1.075 to 1.085 so you can use you judgment from there.  I don't know how I'd survive without ProMash
« Last Edit: December 24, 2010, 07:33:42 am by ipaguy »
Primary: gotlandsdricke/alt/dunkel hybrid
Secondary: pale barleywine,
Bottled:  Gotlandsdricke
               Oatmeal/blackberry stout
               Honey Kolsch

Offline Joe Sr.

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Re: First attempt.....
« Reply #21 on: December 24, 2010, 10:30:42 am »
I don't have the skills or knowledge to construct a starter culture. 

Sure you do.  If you can make beer you can make a starter.

Boil a couple pints of water and some extract.  Cool it down, put it in a container (ideally an erlenmeyer flask, but heck a mason jar would work) and add the yeast.  You can grow this to as large a starter as you want/need.
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Offline smthgfshy

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Re: First attempt.....
« Reply #22 on: December 25, 2010, 10:26:42 am »
JD~ ok, that gives me confidence...I'll look into doing that a couple days before I start....thanks!

ipag~ um....LME = light malt extract or liquid malt extract??  DME = Dark malt extract or dry malt extract??

its definitely a liquid (syrup), came from muntons, and as far as light or dark...i dunno?? maybe you know more?

Happy Festivus!!!

Offline ipaguy

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Re: First attempt.....
« Reply #23 on: December 25, 2010, 10:49:46 am »

ipag~ um....LME = light malt extract or liquid malt extract??  DME = Dark malt extract or dry malt extract??

Happy Festivus!!!

DME = dry malt extract.  I plugged in the 3# of Alexander's wheat LME and got an OG of 1.086.  Definitely a big beer, but about exactly right for an IIPA.  I'd say go for it, but a starter is strongly recommended.  Good brewing.
Primary: gotlandsdricke/alt/dunkel hybrid
Secondary: pale barleywine,
Bottled:  Gotlandsdricke
               Oatmeal/blackberry stout
               Honey Kolsch

Offline kgs

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Re: First attempt.....
« Reply #24 on: December 25, 2010, 12:08:16 pm »

Edit:  btw, if someone at an HBS is unhelpful or condescending tell them that the the guys on the AHA forum think they're a bunch of douche-nozzles.

... and the gals think so too. I avoid one guy at the LHBS who was not only condescending (it was about my 20th AG batch and he was incredulous that I was brewing all-grain--excuse me?!) but spent the entire time complaining to someone else about his shift hours. I didn't weigh the grains when I got home, but I'm pretty sure he shorted me a pound or so of my base malt, simply because he was blathering too much. (Note: I now check my weights when I get home, and I watch the clerks like a hawk. A smiling hawk but a hawk all the same.)

Anyway, if the shop clerks were simply skeptical (versus outright rude) it could be that they were thinking what I was thinking, which is that it's not a bad idea if your first brews follow the KISS factor--they may actually be trying to ensure you're a repeat customer. Big brews are more expensive to make and it's also much harder to isolate what's going wrong. Kudos to you for your "go big or go home" approach, but at least for the next batch plus one, you might consider something very simple that will allow you to focus both on technique and on understanding and improving your equipment setup. Also consider small batches, which will give you room (financially but also literally--that beer that didn't turn out so great can take up a lot of space while you're waiting for it to turn into gold) to practice and experiment.
K.G. Schneider
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Offline ipaguy

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Re: First attempt.....
« Reply #25 on: December 25, 2010, 01:59:01 pm »

Edit:  btw, if someone at an HBS is unhelpful or condescending tell them that the the guys on the AHA forum think they're a bunch of douche-nozzles.

... and the gals think so too.
Sorry, kgs.  I really should have used a more inclusive term.  I'm always thrilled to hear about female homebrewers.  White males seem to be overrepresented in our hobby, but I would surely like to see that change.  I'm mystified about tales of bad customer service at HBSs.  People starting out are bound to have a lot of questions.  These places have a pretty limited customer base, so they really can't afford to offend anyone.  I also find condescension  to a customer based on gender to be totally vile.
Primary: gotlandsdricke/alt/dunkel hybrid
Secondary: pale barleywine,
Bottled:  Gotlandsdricke
               Oatmeal/blackberry stout
               Honey Kolsch

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Re: First attempt.....
« Reply #26 on: December 25, 2010, 02:52:41 pm »
A smiling hawk but a hawk all the same.)

 Tubercle likes that ;D ;D ;D

Sitting on limb watching the world go by.

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Re: First attempt.....
« Reply #27 on: December 25, 2010, 03:13:24 pm »
I just go in now. Buy what I need. Only one or two simple questions is tolerated by the owner. Convenience for me- money for him.  :)
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Offline kgs

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Re: First attempt.....
« Reply #28 on: December 25, 2010, 09:09:53 pm »

Edit:  btw, if someone at an HBS is unhelpful or condescending tell them that the the guys on the AHA forum think they're a bunch of douche-nozzles.

... and the gals think so too.
Sorry, kgs.  I really should have used a more inclusive term.  I'm always thrilled to hear about female homebrewers.  White males seem to be overrepresented in our hobby, but I would surely like to see that change.  I'm mystified about tales of bad customer service at HBSs.  People starting out are bound to have a lot of questions.  These places have a pretty limited customer base, so they really can't afford to offend anyone.  I also find condescension  to a customer based on gender to be totally vile.

No harm done whatsoever. It is still a very male craft, so it's easy to assume we're all guys.

Mostly things are fine at the LHBS. The person who worked with me yesterday was focused and on his game, and we had a good chat about Safale yeast profiles (at what other store could I have that conversation). Just that one fellow who has yet to learn not to run afoul of hawk-eyed SWMBO brewers...
K.G. Schneider
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Re: First attempt.....
« Reply #29 on: December 29, 2010, 02:03:55 pm »
$80 in ingredients!?

Dude...They robbed you.
I wouldn't go back, with those kinds of prices...Even if they acted nicely.
That's nearly twice what I would pay, for the same recipe.

I'd cut the wheat out & maybe use a little corn sugar to boost the gravity.