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Author Topic: Yeast issue?  (Read 497 times)

Offline redrocker652002

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Yeast issue?
« on: December 01, 2023, 01:51:01 pm »
Greetings to all. I had a brew day yesterday where I did a single hop ale that seemed to go really well. Mash temp was in the range of 150 to 155 with most being in the 152 to 154 area. Sparged in at about 150 to 160 and boiled for an hour. Not a super huge boil, but it was going along nicely. My OG into the fermenter was about 1.052 or so.  Now, it has been about 20 hours with no visible activity in the fermenter. I pitched Cellar Science Cali yeast at about 65 degrees or so and it has been sitting in my fridge at about 64 degrees. I cannot remember how long it took last time I did this, so this time I am going to write it down, but I seem to remember it was somewhere in the 16 hour range. I get a bit paranoid when this happens and it usually all ends up ok, but this one has me a bit concerned as it is going to be Christmas gifts for the folks at work. Any input or just tell me to relax is welcomed. LOL.

Offline ynotbrusum

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Re: Yeast issue?
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2023, 02:40:50 pm »
My guess is that you are fine - if you didn't do a starter.  When someone here talks in terms of very quick starts to fermentation, they are usually pitching a starter (often the SNS starter at full krausen), or a slurry.  If you did a starter, still give it time, but it should be starting to show some preliminary signs of fermentation soon.  If it goes out 48 hours or more with no signs of activity, you might want to pitch some dry yeast as a precautionary move.

But as you wanted to hear our thoughts, I would say - don't sweat it.
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Offline BrewBama

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Re: Yeast issue?
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2023, 04:45:39 pm »
I have documented here that I’ve experienced mixed results with several strains of Cellar Science yeasts.  I doubt I’ll use that brand again.

However, having said that, 20 hrs is not that long.  I prefer (like you, evidently) to see some sign of activity within 16 +/- 2 hrs or less but that doesn’t always happen. I have experienced 36 hrs before seeing activity.

Offline dmtaylor

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Re: Yeast issue?
« Reply #3 on: December 01, 2023, 08:36:46 pm »
My personal rule of thumb is not to worry at all until about 36 hours, after which I'll pitch more yeast if it's not taking off yet.  But this happens so rarely, I can't remember the last time it's gone that long without starting up.  Sometimes gets close at 24-30 hours but usually quicker.  I wouldn't be concerned at 20 hours, it will probably begin to take off very very soon.  And if not, then I always have a pack of US-05 or S-04 (and/or many others) in the fridge as an insurance plan.

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Offline redrocker652002

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Re: Yeast issue?
« Reply #4 on: December 02, 2023, 06:54:37 am »
Thanks all, about 2 hours after writing this I noticed a shift in the water line in my airlock to where the side where the fermenter releases has less water in it than the other, if that makes sense.  At 5pm last night would have been 24 hours, so we are just in the area of 36 and it seems things are starting to move a bit.  I have used this dry yeast 3 times for the same recipe and I don't remember it starting so long after pitching.  I have liked s05 so that might be my go to from now on.  Or Bry97, that one is a beast as well.  LOL.   Anyway, thank you for the input, I appreciate it. 

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Re: Yeast issue?
« Reply #5 on: December 02, 2023, 08:44:42 am »
If your sanitation is good, I've found no difference between a 2 hour start and a 72 hour start.
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Offline redrocker652002

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Re: Yeast issue?
« Reply #6 on: December 02, 2023, 01:07:23 pm »
Final update on this one.  Yeast seems to have started it's thing.  Not a super fast bubble out of the airlock, but steady.  I would expect it to increase in the next day or so then slowly die down.  Thanks to all who replied.