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Author Topic: Tilt not logging to the cloud after update  (Read 1207 times)

Offline BrewBama

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Tilt not logging to the cloud after update
« on: December 01, 2020, 03:54:38 pm »
I have my Tilt set up to log to Google Sheets via the cloud every hour. Up until last night it worked great. The there was an update push or something. It no longer logs to the cloud at the set time (if at all). I shot the mfr a note but haven’t heard back yet. Any one else experience this?

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Offline waltsmalt

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Re: Tilt not logging to the cloud after update
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2020, 05:18:32 am »
It looks like my last push was on the 29th to Sheets.  That being said, I need to verify that it’s still reading downstairs from inside my chest freezer.

Offline waltsmalt

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Re: Tilt not logging to the cloud after update
« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2020, 05:34:50 am »
Anyone else experience this?  No further data was pushed from my Tilt after the 29th.  Any word from Tilt themselves?

Offline BrewBama

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Re: Tilt not logging to the cloud after update
« Reply #3 on: December 04, 2020, 06:48:56 am »
I sent a follow up message but I am getting crickets. Maybe they’re too busy fixing the big to answer but it would be nice to know that they acknowledge the problem and have a plan to address it.

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Offline dmtaylor

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Re: Tilt not logging to the cloud after update
« Reply #4 on: December 04, 2020, 02:45:12 pm »
My own Tilt has always lost connection on average about every 2 hours.  Not a real big deal, I just try to check it every few hours and every morning when I wake up.  All I do is reset Bluetooth on the linked device (I use an old cell phone) by turning off the Bluetooth option for 5 seconds then start Bluetooth again, then it resumes service for the next couple hours, then fails again, then I reset Bluetooth again... yadda yadda.  For example, here's a batch I just started this afternoon, you can follow it.  Over time you'll notice some long straight lines on the associated graphs, not bumpy -- those would be the times when it was down for a while and I was sluggish to reset the Bluetooth, so there is a long gap in data.

Overall, I like the Bluetooth, but am indeed a little frustrated by the repetitive loss of connectivity.  But at least I know the workaround and I can live with it.

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Offline BrewBama

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Re: Tilt not logging to the cloud after update
« Reply #5 on: December 04, 2020, 02:58:20 pm »
My device (iPad) does not loose connection with the Tilt. I still get readings from it as always. I haven’t experienced the same Bluetooth connection loss you are seeing.

My issue is with the app not logging a reading at a specified interval to the cloud.  It is supposed to log a reading every 60 minutes but it doesn’t do that anymore. I woke up the other morning and the count was 480 minutes since it last logged to the cloud. It just started this when the app updated the other day.

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Offline BrewBama

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Re: Tilt not logging to the cloud after update
« Reply #6 on: December 06, 2020, 07:44:02 pm »
I finally heard back from Tilt HQ. I guess seven days is considered acceptable response time these days

Anyway, he confirmed the update push was the culprit.

The solution was to completely uninstall the Tilt 2 app and reinstalling it. After reinstalling the app adding my gmail acct like I did when initially installing the app was required for the app to log to Google Sheets.

From what I can tell it again logs to the cloud to Google Sheets at the specified time interval.


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Offline waltsmalt

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Re: Tilt not logging to the cloud after update
« Reply #7 on: December 09, 2020, 05:43:56 am »
Thanks for the update and the legwork.  Glad to hear my TILT is not headed to the paperweight bin of homebrew gadgets I’ve purchased over the years.