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Author Topic: Mini-mash tun  (Read 2043 times)

Offline Philbrew

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Mini-mash tun
« on: May 11, 2015, 11:18:21 pm »
A few threads ago I learned that to utilize some of the more fun grains and their flavors in my extract beers, I would need to do a mini-mash or I would get a lot of non-fermentable and undesirable starches in the beer. 

I found this insulated one gallon Coleman “Teammate” cooler at Bi-mart for $9.97.

The inside of the lid says “not for hot liquids”.  Nah!  I filled it with boiling water and left it for an hour…no problem.  Also, drill a small hole in the lid opposite the spout for a vent and plug the vent in the top of the spout to prevent hot aeration when pouring.

Perfect for a grains-in-a-steeping-bag mini-mash.  Put in the bag 4 oz. of, say, crushed Melanoiden malt (diastatic = 10), 4 oz. of crystal grains and a lb. of 2 row Pilsner (d = 110), add 3 qts. of 166 F water to settle in at around 152 F, wait an hour and viola, sweet wort can be poured from the spout.  Pull the bag and rinse out the rest of the sugars by dunking it in the 165 F water that you’re steeping the other grains in.  Easy-pie!

Well, except that you need to get the water chemistry right so that the PH of the mash comes out in the right range.  So, many kudos to Martin and his Bru'n Water software.  Target was 5.5.  My cheapo pen PH meter read 5.6 on a small sample I cooled to 72 F.  I think that’s amazing for a 3 quart mash!

Then I saw the PH
Now I’m a believer.

One more thing.

As a formerly happy extract brewer, what I what to know is this:  Am I screwed? 
Have I been infected by insidious, creeping all-grain-itis?  Have I stepped off onto that slippery slope from which there is no return?  Am I doomed to have friends at parties roll their eyes when I start babbling incomprehensible terms like “strike water”, “stuck sparge” and “trub”? 
Good lord, what have I done!
Many of us would be on a strict liquid diet if it weren't for pretzels.

Offline homoeccentricus

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Re: Mini-mash tun
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2015, 03:48:12 am »
No more friends for you, buddy. There'll be fellow homebrewers, and that's it.
Frank P.

Staggering on the shoulders of giant dwarfs.

Offline Frankenbrew

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Re: Mini-mash tun
« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2015, 04:57:51 pm »
"Am I doomed to have friends at parties roll their eyes when I start babbling incomprehensible terms like “strike water”, “stuck sparge” and “trub”? "

Don't worry. If you bring your beer to the party, they'll stop rolling their eyes. In fact, if you share your home brew, you'll become very popular indeed.
Frank C.

And thereof comes the proverb: 'Blessing of your
heart, you brew good ale.'

Offline klickitat jim

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Re: Mini-mash tun
« Reply #3 on: May 12, 2015, 05:19:15 pm »
People have friends who don't tolerate endless brew speak? If they engage in it with me they are friends. If they tolerate it they are acquaintances. All others are just shapeless forms that wander through my world

Offline ibru

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Re: Mini-mash tun
« Reply #4 on: May 13, 2015, 08:21:03 am »
Jim, you do come up with some gems.....

Offline reverseapachemaster

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Re: Mini-mash tun
« Reply #5 on: May 13, 2015, 10:18:51 am »
Your job now is to convert all of your friends to homebrewers.
Heck yeah I blog about homebrewing: Brain Sparging on Brewing

Offline Philbrew

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Re: Mini-mash tun
« Reply #6 on: May 13, 2015, 04:59:09 pm »
Your job now is to convert all of your friends to homebrewers.
Yup, I already have a couple friends who want to learn to brew after tasting some of my better batches.  They're also saying, "But in the mean time, I'll gladly help you drink your beer."
Many of us would be on a strict liquid diet if it weren't for pretzels.