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Author Topic: GCBC 1BBL Pilot Build  (Read 8475 times)

Offline Jeff M

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Re: GCBC 1BBL Pilot Build
« Reply #15 on: July 16, 2014, 10:34:09 am »
This is a pilot build? Are you planning on something bigger?

My plan is to use this to pilot a bunch of recipes and understand yeast handling etc.  In a year or so ill start looking for a location, write a business plan, apply for permits etc etc.  Ill buy new 2.5bbl vessels and use it on this system since i dont have the kind of money needed for anything bigger.  It will be a lot of work for not much, but other companies around here have been very successful with the same scale brewery.   I also know of pro brewers on this forum who didnt start with much, and with some hard work have done a bang up job of it.

Yep, we we're one that started with a keggle system, and still fermented in buckets for the first year of sales.  Even now, we just have a 1bbl solution, with only the tower of power for automation.  Looking at some of these pictures, my pro-brewer system, is quite archaic as compared to many home-brewers.

Its not about how shiny it is, its about the beer that comes out.  I am quite sure that the beer you make is of better quality then the beer that i make.  Looking to catch up in that department mic;)  If only there where a way to cram years of experience into a short time frame.
Granite Coast Brewing Company.
Building a clone of The Electric Brewery to use as a pilot system for new recipes!

Offline micsager

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Re: GCBC 1BBL Pilot Build
« Reply #16 on: July 16, 2014, 10:53:05 am »
This is a pilot build? Are you planning on something bigger?

My plan is to use this to pilot a bunch of recipes and understand yeast handling etc.  In a year or so ill start looking for a location, write a business plan, apply for permits etc etc.  Ill buy new 2.5bbl vessels and use it on this system since i dont have the kind of money needed for anything bigger.  It will be a lot of work for not much, but other companies around here have been very successful with the same scale brewery.   I also know of pro brewers on this forum who didnt start with much, and with some hard work have done a bang up job of it.

Yep, we we're one that started with a keggle system, and still fermented in buckets for the first year of sales.  Even now, we just have a 1bbl solution, with only the tower of power for automation.  Looking at some of these pictures, my pro-brewer system, is quite archaic as compared to many home-brewers.

Its not about how shiny it is, its about the beer that comes out.  I am quite sure that the beer you make is of better quality then the beer that i make.  Looking to catch up in that department mic;)  If only there where a way to cram years of experience into a short time frame.

My best advice:  Brew as much as you possibly can. And then brew again. 

Offline Jeff M

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Re: GCBC 1BBL Pilot Build
« Reply #17 on: July 20, 2014, 06:45:49 pm »
Results of the First Brew on the new 1BBL system

All MO Pale Ale fermented with a French Ale strain.

all the hops are from a local farm.  Tastes kind of dank and the hops arnt in your face.  The head doesnt persist  sadly.  Either way its rather drinkable 
Granite Coast Brewing Company.
Building a clone of The Electric Brewery to use as a pilot system for new recipes!

Offline 69franx

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Re: GCBC 1BBL Pilot Build
« Reply #18 on: July 21, 2014, 09:53:15 am »
That looks good enough to drink. Now I'm craving beer here at work. Thanks for the beer porn!
Frank L.
Fermenting: Nothing (ugh!)
Conditioning: Nothing (UGH!)
In keg: Nothing (Double UGH!)
In the works:  House IPA, Dark Mild, Ballantine Ale clone(still trying to work this one into the schedule)

Offline Jeff M

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Re: GCBC 1BBL Pilot Build
« Reply #19 on: July 26, 2014, 05:25:53 pm »
Kolsch Sample from the Fermenter.  Batch #2 on the new system

Granite Coast Brewing Company.
Building a clone of The Electric Brewery to use as a pilot system for new recipes!

Offline chestrockwell80

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Re: GCBC 1BBL Pilot Build
« Reply #20 on: July 28, 2014, 05:01:31 pm »
Such great pics, thanks for sharing