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Author Topic: Tilt hydrometer bias  (Read 5671 times)

Offline BrewBama

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Tilt hydrometer bias
« Reply #30 on: November 11, 2022, 05:40:43 am »

The shape of this graph does not inspire me with confidence. I think I’ll have to pull out the floating hydrometer if I want to know the FG for this beer. 

This was a ferment with Verdant IPA yeast which is pretty vigorous yeast. In the middle there it looks like the yeast had too much sugar and started barfing it back into the wort- steadily increasing the SG. Then the big drop is probably from me swirling the fermenter- not sure. Then the Tilt lost connection with the Raspberry PI (and maybe turned off) for two long periods. Now it’s back on like nothing ever happened.

PS. I don’t mean to dis the Tilt. The batter is probably low. I really like my Tilt.

I get those spikes from time to time as well. I just chalk it up to robust fermentation.

Every now and then my Tilt reports all zeros or I get a ‘cloud error’ message mid ferment. It usually comes back to reality shorty thereafter but if it doesn’t I ‘reset’ it by toggling the ‘use cloud URL’ off then back on. That usually fixes it straight away. If it actually logged the zero, I just go into the data tab and delete that row to sanitize the graph.

I have a finish hydrometer to give me FG but to be honest I quit using it at least five batches ago, …maybe more. I am far more interested in when the yeast is finished (or near finished so I can spund) than actual FG. I know the beer’s approximate ABV and FG.  I have tapped the keg for a sample and let it sit out to decarbonate to get a reading but I haven’t done than in a while. It’s just not that important to me anymore.

This is my latest ferment:

*Disclaimer*: Any comment I add is simply the way I brew beer. I am not paid or sponsored by anyone. There are certainly other ways that can be equally effective which other brewers may contribute. This is what I’ve found that works for me using my equipment and processes so I offer this for your consideration. YMMV
« Last Edit: November 11, 2022, 05:51:49 am by BrewBama »