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Author Topic: Looking to speak to brewers in the process of going pro  (Read 2224 times)

Offline sy.rashid.11

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Looking to speak to brewers in the process of going pro
« on: June 28, 2016, 01:08:21 pm »
Hey everyone, long time reader, first time poster (I've always wanted to say that ha ha) 

First off thanks for reading on and not immediately leaving after the first line . Second, my 3 best friends and I are working on a home brewing startup concept geared at homebrewers looking to take their craft to the next level.  If any of you would be willing to spare 10-15 minutes to just have a conversation, no pitch/no sell, we would be forever grateful and will gladly buy you beer if you're near NYC.  If you're interested and want to learn more, message me! (UN: sy.rashid.11)

We're hoping to do some really cool things not only to bring more people into the fold of homebrewing but also making it easier for everyone to enjoy homebrew everywhere.
