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Author Topic: NHC Gold and Single Infusion Mashing  (Read 4369 times)

Offline morticaixavier

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Re: NHC Gold and Single Infusion Mashing
« Reply #15 on: September 28, 2011, 09:10:20 am »
I can't see how treating an ingridient so different wouldn't lend itself to adding an additional layer of flavor.  I know that many have done side by sides and can't see a difference (and I won't pretend that I have experimented enough to say that there is a difference) but just looking at what's going on makes you think - it has to taste different!
As a biochemist, I think I see this differently, so I don't generally fall for the argument that anything has to make a particular difference just because it makes logical sense.  I try all kinds of things in the lab that have perfectly sound rationalizations for why they should work, but simply don't hold up to experimentation.  That's why scientific research is based on empirical evidence, not logical argument.

Well, there is a fair amount of theoretical physics that is based on logical argument backed up by complex math that may or may not have anything to do with reality.
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Offline malzig

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Re: NHC Gold and Single Infusion Mashing
« Reply #16 on: September 28, 2011, 04:59:36 pm »
Well, there is a fair amount of theoretical physics that is based on logical argument backed up by complex math that may or may not have anything to do with reality.
That's what makes it theoretical.  It's not science until you figure out a way to test it, like building a particle accelerator.  I'm no physicist, but I imagine there is no shortage of theories that have fallen by the wayside when someone figured out a way to test the hypothesis.

Offline morticaixavier

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Re: NHC Gold and Single Infusion Mashing
« Reply #17 on: September 29, 2011, 03:06:17 pm »
Well, there is a fair amount of theoretical physics that is based on logical argument backed up by complex math that may or may not have anything to do with reality.
That's what makes it theoretical.  It's not science until you figure out a way to test it, like building a particle accelerator.  I'm no physicist, but I imagine there is no shortage of theories that have fallen by the wayside when someone figured out a way to test the hypothesis.

true but many of those hypothesese, when supported by mathematical/logical arguments are used as basis for other theories that are then tested as true without ever testing the original hypothesis. still science just not theory yet, only hypothesis. Gravity is accepted as scientific even though there is no empirical evidence of exactly why it happens.

just saying that science isn't defined by the empirical evidence but by the method of research, and even that can be argued.
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