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Author Topic: Decatur, Il homebrew club, 3rd meeting  (Read 2813 times)

Offline trelly

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  • 2010 NHC, Minneappolis!!!!
Decatur, Il homebrew club, 3rd meeting
« on: May 21, 2011, 12:33:10 pm »
What's up everyone? Once again we had an awesome second meeting. There was about 10 people at May's meeting and there were about 4 new people! I've talked to several people since that's interested in attending future meetings. It sounds like the words spreading fast. There were a lot of new homebrews and homemade wine being passed around and there wasn't a bad one all night!!
We didn't quite establish a club name at last months meeting. There were a few names passed around but nothing really got decided on. I would like to get a name established so I can post it on the brewing forums so people can find us easier. I can't remember every name that was thrown out (and there were some good ones being said towards the end of the night!!!), but I will list a few that stood out and that people have sent to me. Look them over and decide on which one you like best and email me back asap. My friend Rory that's in the club is playing around with a facebook page and a club email address. For now it's still kind of up in the air until we decide on a club name. But I think that will be a good way to keep everyone in the loop on club meetings and events. Anyway, here are some names to vote on. The sooner you email or text me back the better.
Charlie forwarded me an email from a guy who is interested in joining and he said he has a homebrew party a couple times a year and sent the whole club an invite to attend. He said it will be at his place on June 25 starting in the afternoon. Hopefully we will have more details on that at next clubs meeting. And this Saturday Decatur's having a craft beer fest from 5 to 8 in downtown. I think tickets are $25 if you purchase them in advance and $30 at the door. You get a sample glass and unlimited tastings. I've heard there are going to be over 20 vendors although I'm not sure what vendors will be there. Also, the Long Creek Winery is having a blues tent party all weekend as well and will have beer being served. I mentioned the brew contest in Champaign, Illinois at first months meeting. If anyone is interested in sending any beers into that, the deadline is May 28 I believe.
Anyway, I hope to see you all on June 14 at 7:00. If you are interested, please send me an email @

                                                                                                                                               Cheers, Trelly


1- Decatur Craft Brewers Association (CRABS)
2-Decatur Association of Brewers (DABS)
3-Decatur Brew Crew or D-Town Brew Crew (DBC)
4-Homebrewers of Decatur
Mmmmmmmmmm, BEER