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Author Topic: Adding Hops Before Boil Start/Hot Break  (Read 9573 times)

Offline uthristy

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Re: Adding Hops Before Boil Start/Hot Break
« Reply #15 on: November 15, 2010, 06:07:58 am »
If I remember corrrectly, Denny modifies the FWH utilization percentage in his software settings to make it equivalent to a 20-minute.  Personally, I've found doing that leaves me with a little too much bitterness "bite" so I've started letting FWH calculate as a 65-minute addition.

I use -65% in promash and its been real good to my tastebuds.

Same here...that setting equates to how much time in the boil there is.  For a 60 min. boil, -65 means 20 min.  If you do a 90 min. boil, -65 would be 30 min.

I know,  I copied one of your post from a few years ago for setting up Promash :D